Chapter 28

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"White lips, pale face..."
"Breathing in the snowflake..Burnt lungs..Sour taste..Lights gone..Days end..Struggling to pay rent..Long nights..Strange men..And they say..Shes in the class A team..Stuck in her daydream..Been this way since 18..But lately, her face seems..Slowly sinking wasting...Crumbling like pastries..And they scream..The worst things in life come free too us..Cause we're just under the upper hand..Gone mad for a couple grams..And she don't wanna go outside, tonight..And in a pipe..She flies to the motherland..Or sells love to another man..Its too cold outside..For angels to fly..Angels to fly..."


"Babe wake up, we need to get ready to leave for New York." Harry says shaking me. I stuff my head in my pillow.

"Babe wake up. Please?" He begs, but I don't budge. I'm not ready. Nope. There's no way I'm leaving Washington and going all the way to New York. I'm not leaving my family here.

I turn my head and find Harry staring at me, a black shirt and black jeans tightly fitting his body.

"Why are you crying?" I look up to see him kneeling down by the bedside. I let out a shaky breath and push myself up, so I'm now sitting on the bed facing Harry.

"Please don't." I whisper to him cupping his face in my hands. I pull him close so our foreheads touch.

"Don't what baby girl?" He puts his hands on mine. I shake my head and blink more tears.

"Don't take me with you Harry. Please. I can't leave." Something inside of him suddenly strikes.

"You are coming with me. Whether you like it or not. I am still in control of you." He states, pulling my hands away from his cheeks and walks out of the bedroom door, slamming it shut.

I let out a loud sob and throw myself back on the bed. I can't do this. It's all to much. My brain cannot handle all of this right now and my heart is about to explode.

"God please. Please just save me. I love him, but I can't leave. Please just save me." I cry and throw my hands over my face.

After a few minutes I get up and walk to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and walk infront of the mirror. I stare at my distorted features.

I touch every imperfection on me. It's too much and I cannot handle this right now.

I take the clothes off my body and turn the shower on, stepping in immediately. The warm water influences me.


I wrap the towel around me body and walk out of the bathroom and see Harry sitting on the bed on his phone. When I step in the room his eyes immediately fall on me.

"Here. I just bought these. Just put them on and were leaving for breakfast then New York." He says handing me a neatly stacked outfit.

"Can you turn around?" I say, not making eye contact with him.

"I've already seen you naked baby." He says, and I can practically hear the smirk. If that's possible.

"Please." I beg him staring into his eyes. He dramatically sighs and turns around. I quickly pull my panties up and throw the towel off throwing on my bra.

As soon as I finish buttoning my pants he turns around. Phew. I sigh to myself walking over to the mirror brushing my hair with my fingers.

"Lets go." He grabs my hand and I follow him out the bedroom door. We descend down the stairs in silence.

"Ready boys?" Niall asks as everybody grabs what they need, putting on there shoes.

Harry grabs my shoes and leads me to the couch. I sit down and grab the shoes from his hands and put them on, tying the laces at the end.

"Lets go." Harry says and grabs my hand lifting me up. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam, your cars are all upfront. Jack brought them." The blonde boy says as me and Harry walk out to a black range rover.

"We'll all meet up in North Carolina. Then move on from there." Zayn says as Harry gently pushes me into the passenger seat.

He walks over to the other boys who formed a small huddle circle. I attempt to open the door, but it doesn't budge. Stupid child lock.

After about 10 minutes or so, Harry finally enters the car. He starts the engine and starts to lead the way.

I turn on the radio and music immediately fills my ears. It feels nice after quite a while. I stare at Harry and he clenches his jaws and his knuckles turn white.

I lay my head on the window as my favorite song comes on the radio.

"There two lovers in the night

Waiting on the sun to rise

Passing ships into the night

On the different sky's

But you just whisper what you say

One last time

Could've heard I swore you say

That you are mine..."

I close my eyes and let the darkness eventually take over.


Hope you liked the chapter. It's like really short.

Idk if the lyrics are right. I just guessed while listening to the songs. Oops.

Guys, I have the ending of dominance planned out and OMG! I'm crying!!

I was --> <-- that close to meeting 1D in Toronto! my sisters passport didn't come in time and there is a hornets nest in our backyard! :'( My cousin had the tickets an everything! THEY WERE FUCKING FLOOR SEATS! :'( :'( FIRST ROW IN OUR DAMN SECTION AND I CAN'T GO!

Sorry. I'm just really upset but My best friend Mae helped me over it.

This chapter was like short and kinda a filler. BUT OMG SO MUCH IS COMING UP! THE ENDING IS COMING SOOOON! It's perf!

Okay I'm done.

QOTD: Favorite song?

All of our Stars by Ed Sheeran.

That song is perf! <3

Thanks for reading!




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