When they feel self conscious

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Sherlock always feels self conscious after Mycroft visits 221b. His brother insists that Sherlock is "the stupid one". While Mycroft is there, Sherlock never lets it show that it bothers him but as soon as he is alone he can't help but rip himself apart over it. You came home one day during one of his rages and you ran to him after seeing tears in his eyes "what's wrong? Babe?" You asked sympathetically as you sat him down on the sofa. "I'm stupid..." Sherlock sniffed, wiping tears Dom his cheeks. "Has Mycroft been round again? God I could kill that man!" You kissed Sherlock on the lips to calm him down and whispered in his ear "Sherlock you are by far the smartest man I've ever met. Don't you dare let anyone tell you that you are stupid. Do you hear me?" He smiled, nodded, and kissed you back.

John feels self conscious about his war injury. His psychosomatic limp would flare up in random situations causing him to sit down even if he wasn't tired. This really annoyed him and affected his self-asteem so when ever it appeared that his leg was bothering him, you pulled him in for a kiss and that normally sorted him out.

It is obvious to you that Mycroft obsesses about his weight way too much. It really upsets you to see him self conscious so whenever you see him looking uncomfortable around a mirror or another person, you walk over to him and from behind, you wrap your arms around his waist and hug him tightly until he turns around. You smile at him until he smiles back and you can tell that he is feeling better from the satisfied glint that appears in his eyes.

Being only in his late thirties, Greg can really obsess over his prematurely grey hair. He has threatened to dye it several times but you insist that it suits him perfectly. He didn't believe you until you called him a "sexy silver fox" this seemed to change his mind. He smiled at you and whispered "upstairs, my bedroom, now..."

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