First time hearing you sing

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It had been busy all week for both Sherlock and John. Sherlock was returning to your flat very late every evening which meant that you hadn't spent much time together. This upset you a little and so you always played the radio in the kitchen when you made dinner. One night, "shout out to my ex" by little mix came on and it made you think about your ex boyfriend Cole. You felt so happy that he had left you because if he hadn't, you would never have met Sherlock. Instinctively, you started to hum along with the song and before long, you were singing at the top of you voice and dancing round the kitchen using a wooden spoon as a makeshift microphone. What you didn't know, is that Sherlock had come home early that night to surprise you and he had heard the whole thing. When the song finished, he stepped into the kitchen and smiled at you with pride. You screamed and threw your wooden spoon in the air before exclaiming "Jesus Sherlock! Do you want to give me a heart attack?" You giggled slightly as you bent down to pick up the spoon. As you stood back up straight, Sherlock was stood over you, still smiling. He placed his hands on your waist and said "I had no idea you had such a beautiful voice (y/n)" you smiled and looked nervously down at your feet shuffling a little. Sherlock placed one of his hands on your face and made you look up into his aqua stained eyes "it really was beautiful" he whispered before pulling you into a tender kiss.

It was a few years ago. You and John had gone to see Frozen in the cinema as it looked quite good (plus you are both really childish). The film started and you were astounded by the amazing musical numbers all the way through!

"That was AMAZING!"
You shouted at John as you got into the car after the film. You were humming the songs to yourself all the way home and John seemed curious. "You know the tune already?" He questioned, clearly surprised. "I've got an eidetic memory, sometimes it's a curse..."
"Well it sounds great." John persuaded "do you know the words too?"
"Yeah.. I-I think so.." You stuttered. You knew what was coming next...
"Could you sing it for me?" John asked politely, still curious.
"Umm.. Ok" you smiled nervously and began to recite 'let it go' at first you were a bit shy but you soon got into it. By the end of the song you were in full belt voice "LET THE STORM RAGE ON!!!! the cold never bothered me anyway."
You smiled at the ground as you heard John gasp in awe.
"That was absolutely stunning!"
John stated as he grinned from ear to ear. "They did you never tell me you could sing?"
"I.. Um.. I didn't know I could"
You looked at him and smiled. John made you so happy.

It was your birthday and because it was 'your special day' Mycroft had agreed to go to a bar with you in the evening. He was rather reluctant at first but you can be very persuasive when you want to be.
At half past seven, you and Mycroft arrived at the bar. He was wearing his usual three piece suit and you were suited in a short red pencil skirt and black fitted blazer. Mycroft wore a red tie to match your skirt which you thought was incredibly cute. He seemed a little shy about going into the bar, you ended this and had some fun with him by mocking "what's this? The British government is nervous?" You laughed as he looked down at you annoyed. "Look Mycroft, it will be fine"
"Oh alright precious, come on"
"Eeeee!" You squealed in excitement.
The bar was moderately full and there was loud-ish music playing in the background. As you glanced around the room, your eyes clapped on the source of the music. An open mic karaoke machine! "Look Mycroft!" You whispered as you squeezed his hand excitedly "it's open mic, if you know the song you get up and sing it!"
"How tedious"
You looked up at him and raised your eyebrows which made him smile and give you a hug.
"Oh my god! Mycroft I know this one! It's 'fight song' by Rachael Plattern"
Before he could stop you, you dashed over to the jukebox and grabbed the microphone. By the end of the song, the entire bar were on their feet and clapping wildly. You smiled, curtsied slightly and scurried off the stage and re joined Mycroft by the bar. He looked over at you and stroked the hair out of your sparkling eyes. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen" Mycroft muttered, still in shock. "Haha... Thanks." You laughed shyly. Mycroft wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close. He rested his forehead on the top of your hair and kissed you calmly. "Happy birthday  precious" he whispered as he lifted you up and hugged you tightly.

Greg loves singing. He sings in the shower, in the kitchen (at work to annoy Anderson) and even in bed when he wakes up. One morning, you decided that you should sing instead to show him how annoying it is when you are woken up to singing at six in the morning. You planned it all the night before and when the morning came, you glanced at the clock and saw that it was half five. Greg would be getting up for work in half an hour so he was still fast asleep. You snook out of bed and crept your way across the floor and put on your dressing gown. You then went into the living room where you had set up your iPod the night before. You pressed play and it started to hammer out the backing track to 'firework' by Katy Perry. You had been singing along for about thirty seconds when you heard Greg's voice moan from the bedroom "sweet pea... It's half five... Please turn the radio off." You were so confused.
"I don't have the radio on babe. It's me singing... It's ok, I'll stop"
"Wait a second" Greg called from across the hall as he came stumbling in pulling on his dressing gown.
"That was you singing?!"
"Yeah" you answered rubbing your arm nervously.
"Really? I thought it was Katy Perry! You are really good!"
"Well thank you babe." You laughed shyly as he cupped his hands around your face.
"You should sing for me more often"
And he pulled you in for a light kiss.

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