Writingmas - Day 6

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John oneshot - morning run 

As you arose, drowsily, from bed, you could see the frosted window panes of you bedroom. It was a prime example of a winters day. Frost bit excitedly at the glass and fine snowflakes floated to the ground like they were supported by tiny satin cushions of brisk air. John was sleeping beside you and you smiled observing the expansion and contraction of his ribcage as he gently respired in a peaceful reverie. You took this chance to get out of the flat while you could...

In the month running up to Christmas, you promised yourself that you would go running every morning before John woke up. 'Fitness' had never really been your thing but after some snide comments from Anderson at work, you decided to give it a go. You changed into your running clothes; a long sleeved violet top with a zip at the bust and a pair of black, high waisted, yoga leggings. You silently crept through the still and chilly flat before sliding on your trainers and setting off. As you stepped outside, you inhaled the thin air which stabbed your lungs with icy shards. It really was incredibly cold. You didn't feel as if you needed the company of music as you ran. You simply adored the noisy bustle of London's streets and you thought that music on top of that would simply discombobulate you.

- 20 minutes later -

You looked down at your pedometer through hazy vision.
"Two miles?..." You panted quietly to yourself, "just two to go" you groaned and carried on jogging at a reasonable pace. The passers by just looked like blurry faces on android bodies. Because of your pace, the world around you seemed oddly still and tranquil. Suddenly, you heard fast-paced footsteps beat up behind you and with a flash of fabric and curly hair, Sherlock ran past shouting:
"Is that as fast as you can go?! Honestly (y/n) do keep up!"
His sarcastic tone irritated you profusely, so much so, in fact, that you forced yourself to speed up despite your legs and lungs screaming no.

Because of this sudden increase in pace, the earth slowed even more and you were back at the flat within twelve minutes. When you got inside, however, you noticed that something wasn't right.
"Where have you been?" John greeted you half-relieved, half-worried. He was never normally up by this hour but he must have stirred awake with the light catching his eyes. Instead of replying, you just swayed woozily. Your stomach was churning and cramping with emptiness and your legs began to shiver.
"Woah, hey, hey... It's ok, I've got you.." John cooed, coming to support your fragile stance with his arms.
"You've been running? Before breakfast? That's not good, you need energy in order to run you know?" John sat you down on the sofa, your body still quivering from the chill of outside combined with absence of sufficient energy.
"Sorry John, I sprinted home. Sherlock overtook me and made me feel a bit shit so I pushed too far..."
John rubbed his temple thoughtfully, sitting himself by your side. He let your weak body rest against his shoulder, supporting you with his arm and torso. He kissed your freezing, cherry-red face and raised his eyebrows.
"You do know not to listen to him right? He may be smart but he can be a real fool sometimes..."
You looked up at him with wide eyes and nodded
"Come on sweetie, let's get you some breakfast"
You smiled in response and then nearly screamed as John lifted you up in his arms, carrying you to the kitchen. As he placed you down onto a barstool, you sighed:
"I've told you John, I'm too heavy to be carried. You'll put your back out!"
John just shook his head and laughed,
"And I've told you, if you were too heavy, I wouldn't be able to lift you in the first place!"
You smiled childishly, sticking your tongue out at him as he got out some fresh berries and toaster waffles. There were a few seconds of silence where you just stared at each other, smiling.
"You're beautiful when you smile..."
John whispered.
"So are you." You replied, grinning stupidly, making him chuckle.
"I'm serious (y/n), even when you've been running and have a bright red face, you still look stunning... You know that right?"
You shuffled your feet on the stool, squirming your hips about awkwardly as you stared at the floor.
"Well... Whether you believe it or not, I think you are beautiful and you should now that." He smiled genuinely. You loved John's genuine smiled, they are the epitome of love and are equal in comfort to a warm hug.
"Thank you John..."
"Your welcome beautiful..."

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