Your weaknesses

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His weakness- your puppy dog eyes. He can't say no to you when you put on your faux sad expression. He often says "please stop. I find your cuteness extremely distracting".

Your weakness- Sherlock's shirts. Every time you see him in one of his tight shirts, you go weak at the knees (especially the purple one).

His weakness- reality TV. John absolutely loves shows like Jeremy Kyle, all you have to do is threaten to turn it off and he will do anything you want.

Your weakness- sweets. John can't believe how many sweets you eat. You seem to be on a sugar high all the time. Your hyperactivity drives him mad but he also finds it strangely attractive.

His weakness- your home made brownies. Mycroft never seems to eat unhealthy food when he is around you but he always crumbles when you make your chocolate brownies.

Your weakness- Mycroft's waistcoats. You think that he looks proper and smart when he wears them. He actually cuts quite an attractive figure in them but he never believes you when you tell him.

His weakness- how you manage to make practically any outfit look sexy. You came down the stairs in only your silk robe one morning and he couldn't speak properly all morning.

Your weakness- the way he holds you. He always lifts you up with one arm round your waist so you can nuzzle your face into his neck. You simply can't stop yourself from smiling when he does this.

Sorry this update is only short 😕 it's hard to think of ideas. If you have any suggestions please let me know! 😊😊❤️

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