They catch you exercising

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A/n - AAAAGH GUYS!! sorry I've not updated in like a million years but I've got a chapter up now and I have a draft of another which should be up before the end of the week! Thank you all for being so loyally patient. Love you! Xx

You were sprawled (rather awkwardly) on the soft living room floor. Your arms and legs separated from each other so your body created a very uneven looking 'v' shape. Slowly, and with very little success, you tried to bring your arms and legs simultaneously upwards to join each other but after several minutes of flailing and grunting, you could see that your efforts were futile. Finally, you settled on an easier form of exercise. Sit-ups... You were actually performing very well and when you got to 40 without breaking too much of a sweat you began you feel a lot better about the whole experience. 60 sit-ups later, you shakily raised your body and triumphantly remarked
"One hundred!" As you gasped and flopped down onto your back. In doing so, your head rocked lazily to the side and caught a glance of some annoyingly familiar shoes.
"Gah!!" You yelped as you flinched backwards, sitting up in a sweaty mess to greet your visitor. "Sherlock... You startled me!"
He chuckled as he offered his hand down to you and helped you up onto your feet.
"What on earth where you up to (y/n)?"
Sherlock asked you, still smirking.
"Well, I was trying to do some exercise. I think I actually did quite well."  You firmly stood your ground and truly felt proud of your achievement as Sherlock shook his head giggling.
"Well good for you. In my opinion sit ups aren't the best exercise ever and I'm not even sure you need the extra work after running about after Gavin and Anderson all day, but if you're happy then I'm happy. I love you"
You smiled as you gazed into Sherlock's eyes, warming with their usual obscurity.
"I love you too sherly"

"1...2...3...4...5... Rest"
You completed your tenth rep and washed a plate before starting again.
"1...2...3...4...5... Rest"
Another plate.
"1...2...3...4...5... Rest"

You had been trying to get more exercise into your daily life since John took up running after Sherlock all day. However, maintaining a full time job and a good exercise routine is harder than it sounds. You had, therefore, decided to incorporate your work out sessions into daily tasks like the washing up. Every time you washed an item of crockery, you did 5 squats. Every time you washed cutlery, 5 star jumps and anything else (like pans, chopping boards etc...) you did 5 sideways leg raises on each leg. This had been going on for a couple of months and as yet, you had not told John what you were doing so when he came home early one night to find you squatting, covered in dish soap bubbles, he got rather confused.
"1...2...3...4...JOHN!" You screamed, hurling a plate onto the sideboard, very nearly shattering it. "What are you doing?!" You yelled again, slightly louder than anticipated.
"What am I doing?" He retorted in a sarcastic tone "what are you doing? Squatting whilst washing up? Never seen that done before!" He giggled slightly as he took off his shoes, approached you and warmly placed his hands in your shoulders.
"Well it's new, only a couple of months in the making... I thought I'd do a bit more exercise since you've taken up running."
You turned around to greet John's smiling face and complimented it with one of your own, equating it's passion.
"I thought I noticed you getting more toned recently... I like it... But that doesn't mean I didn't love the way you were before."
You scrunched up your nose and pouted at him with faux childish storminess.
"You mean I did all this for nothing?" You giggled sarcastically wrapping your arms round his wish and embracing the warmth of his jumper laden chest.
"As long as you are happy, I'm happy sweetie"
"Thank you John"

As he meandered over to his office in the early hours of the morning, Mycroft was met by the familiar clunking sounds of blocky rubber on metal. His treadmill. What was strange, however, was that he was not the one on it. He was not worried, obviously as some of his staff were available to use his equipment before he arrived at work and perhaps they had just lost track of the time. On further analysis however, the sounds beating their melancholy metronomic thuds were much faster than normal, three, maybe even four times the speed that he normally has it set on. Carefully, Mycroft placed his bags against the wall next to him and took great precaution when twisting the great brass doorknob. Silently, he pushed open the door to reveal who was running. It was you. You were practically sprinting your way along the machine, driven on by your blaring headphones and optimistic attitude.
"(Y/n)!" Mycroft called out suddenly, making you jump and slide ungracefully off the back of the treadmill and collapse in a tired pile on the floor.
"Jesus Mycroft!..." You spluttered, breathlessly as you removed you headphones and rubbed your knees.
"(Y/n)? What on earth were you doing here so early? And why was the machine set at such a ridiculously high speed?"
Mycroft looked into your eyes as you rose shakily to your feet and replied
"Mycroft. I've been coming here early ever day for the past few months. I've seen how much Sherlock runs about like a mad man and he manages to stay lean so easily. I thought that might be the case for me too.... So, yeah, two hours of fast paced running every morning."
Mycroft was stunned at your reasoning and replied almost instantly with a perfectly rehearsed answer...
"Three things. 1) my brother is an idiot, do not follow by his example, you'll get yourself killed. 2) really? You want to be leaner? I don't think it's possible for you to lose any more weight without you becoming unhealthy! and 3) I should be the one using this every morning but I just don't have the will power. That's why everyone else ends up using it!"
You smiled sympathetically as he finished, slightly red faced with embarrassment.
"Thanks Mycroft... Love you"
"Love you too precious"

While Greg is at work, you pride yourself on extra curricular activities outside of your job which manage to keep you sane in the long hours while he is away. Your favourite of which is boxing. You've always loved it since you were a child and find it a brilliant way to expel your anger and hatred (usually towards Anderson). Every Friday, without fail, you stand for hours on end and beat the handing bag at the gym to a pulp. One particular day however, you had an unexpected visitor. As part of the policing job, Greg has to take a couple of days out every year to go to the gym and be assessed on athletic ability. He must pass this to maintain his job. That day, this time, happened to be your gym day. Greg meandered he's way over to a treadmill in the centre of the room, followed by a very stern looking man with black hair and an even blacker soul.
"Go" he said abruptly as he turned on the machine and started the timer.

- 15 minutes pass -

"Ok." The man stated. "You can maintain a steady pace for 15 minutes, your good to go for another year."
Greg trotted off the machine triumphantly (aching a little) and sat down on a bench opposite him. As he rubbed his head with a towel, he heard some blows and grunting coming from behind him. On turning around, he could not believe his eyes. There you were, stood in gym shorts, a sports bra and a pair of boxing gloves. What's more, you were completely beating the sh*t out of the boxing instructor.
"(Y/n)?" Greg called out confused as he jogged over to the 'arena' which was really just some black tape marking out a square on the floor.
"Greg!? What are you doing here?!" You blurted out, losing concentration and falling heavily on the floor.
"I didn't know you boxed." He stated
"Yeah... I guess I do."
Your face broke into a smile as Greg just stared at you in awe.
"Babe, you could get hurt!" Greg said comfortingly as he approached you further and hugged you tightly.
"Oh come off it Greg! You're just jealous because you know I could beat you up"
"No I'm not!" Greg retorted as you tried to hold back a giggle.
"She's right you know. She's vicious" the instructor said from behind Greg, making you blush and Greg giggle.
"Ok fine, you are stronger than me ok!"
He said defeatedly
"Awww thanks!" You said in an extremely soppy voice and hugged him even tighter.
"I love you Greg."
"I love you too sweet pea."

Sherlock preferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon