Writingmas - Day 24

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A/n - Hello everyone...

This is not going to be a chapter (I know, disappointing, I'm sorry) so if you just want to stop reading here and go about your business than I completely understand. I probably would too...

BUT! If you do choose to stay, thank you very, very much xx

Basically... This all started around two years ago last summer. I was laying in my bed reading Sherlockxreaders online when an idea occurred to me. If I enjoy reading these so much, why don't I write them?...

A friend introduced me to wattpad and for my first few weeks, I hung back a little. I read things here and there, trying to find my feet in an ocean of brilliant writers. I wrote one story, a johnlock ballet fic (which is deleted now but if you've been with me since day one, you probably read it before it was gone) which only got about 150 reads. I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF!

Then, as time went on, I gained confidence. People left me votes and nice comments on my preferences book which came like a warm hug in my notification feed. Soon, the book began to expand... 200 reads, 600 reads, 1000 reads... 10k reads... 100k reads...

Now, on Christmas Eve, I have over 200k reads... And it's all because of you brilliant people.

You have not only given me happiness but confidence and pride in my work too. I used to think that I was bad at writing but now, I actually feel good about it!

All I have to say is, I literally cannot thank you enough for the help you have given me. Yes, yes, I know I am being melodramatic but it's true! I genuinely feel so happy Because of every single 181 of my followers and anyone else who reads my book from time to time...

So... Yeah... 200k. I said I would do a face reveal at 200k so... Tomorrow I will be exposing you all to my ugly face!
Comment what you think I look like 😅

    ❤❤️❤️!!!THANK YOU!!!❤️❤️❤️

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