Writingmas - Day 1!

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A/n - Greetings my children! Yes, it is that time of the year again when I have to frantically produce one crap chapter per day for 25 days straight! Yaaaaaay!!
(Seriously though, these chapters will obviously not be full length chapters, just think of it as a little advent calendar for the run up to Christmas). So, without further ado, I present to you wonderful people, day 1.........

Sherlock oneshot - surprise spoon

It was 3am when you felt Sherlock's cold fingers brush briefly against your thigh. The room became a swelling, pulsating darkness which accompanied the unidentifiable ring of sleep in your ears. You turned over, queasy with drowsiness, to see what he wanted but were confused to see that he was still asleep.
"Sherlock?" You whispered in a hushed tone as you admired his perfect face. His dark curls, blackened by the ora of night, hung over his forehead like vines cascading from a wise oak tree. His cheekbones provided a striking contrast against the ceramic milkiness of his complexion, they looked like fragile indentations in fresh snow. He was definitely asleep, you thought.
By now, you had awoken fully and we're now laying on your side, wondering what to do. As you closed your eyes, attempting to claw back what little sleep you could, you had an idea. Grinning to yourself, you turned away from Sherlock and shuffled around a little, until your back was in contact with his ribbed torso. Despite appearances, Sherlock's thinness is actually spectacularly comfortable to hug and lie against. It's like hugging a greyhound. Soft and gentle. You smiled as his subtle warmth consumed you. You love being so close to him. Suddenly, you took a sharp intake of breath as two arms snaked around you and grab onto your waist.
"Spooning are we?" You heard Sherlock's, low drowsy voice come suavely behind your neck.
"Every night? Really?"
You giggled at him as he interlocked his legs with yours and squeezed onto your waist tighter, embracing your petite, curvy frame with his long, slim arms. The two of you really couldn't be shaped more differently but you wouldn't change him for the world. You tilted your head back slightly, positioning it under his chin and against the top of his smooth, ceramic chest. After a little time, Sherlock's hands began to wander. He moved down from your waist and placed his hands, instead, on your soft thighs. You flinched slightly as Sherlock wasn't usually much of a touchy-feely person and your confidence wasn't exactly at 100%. The affirmation and constancy of his grip, however, soon soothed you and his fingers felt loving and sincere. Breathing deeply, you let out a long, satisfied sigh.
"You know I love this don't you?..." You whispered as Sherlock kissed the top of your head and smiled:
"Yeah... I had a hunch" he chuckled back, mutedly.
Neither of you got any of sleep for the entire rest of the night, you just laid peacefully in his arms. Warm, Safe and Loved.
A/n - I told y'all it'd be short... Don't hate me plz. ❤️

Sherlock preferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ