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Sherlock is not really the shopping type, so when you asked him to pick out a dress for a party you were going to, he didn't exactly jump at the idea. After nagging him for about half an hour, he finally cracked.
"Fine!... But I'm not going to enjoy this..."
You smiled sincerely and kissed him on the cheek with gratitude. He bent down and kissed your neck in response and you shuddered as you felt his warm breath creep over your shoulders.
A few hours later, you had been in every clothes shop you could possibly think of. Sherlock had been brutally honest in what he thought of each article and to be honest, you couldn't take much more criticism.
"Nope... I don't like that one"
"Thanks Sherlock..."
You smiled sarcastically as you yanked the changing room door shut again.
"What?" Sherlock asked, confused " you told me to be honest"
You sighed in annoyance before speaking again.
"Look Sherlock, I'm completely tired out! I have one last dress to try on and if you don't like it, I'm going home..."
You fumbled around awkwardly in the changing room for a few minutes until you had put on the final dress.
"Ok Sherlock, what do you think?"
You stepped out of the changing room gingerly as Sherlock stood motionless, eyes fixed on the gown. The bodice was tightly fitted with an elegant heart shaped, strapless neckline and the skirt plunged downwards towards your knees. The whole thing screamed elegance and the sequins which were seen all over its purple fabric, glistened most excitedly.
"Umm. It's, well..." Sherlock mumbled, his face turning red.
"You ok Sherlock?"
"Umm.. Yah. Yeah I'm fine.." He swallowed and blinked hard.
"It's PERFECT!" He cried wrapping his arms around the beautiful ensemble and he kissed you on the forehead.
"You look stunning" he whispered in your ear as he stroked your hair with his long careful fingers.


"John, calm down... It's a chip and pin machine, you know it can't hear you right?" You stood giggling to yourself as John had a full blown argument with the self shopping appliance. He did not find it very amusing but you really couldn't hold it in.
"John it's fine! We can get the shopping another time. I can live for a few more days without peanut butter, face wipes, apples and a new iron" you literally could not hold back your laughter as John placed his full basket of shopping on the floor, grabbed your arm and walked out.
"Why doesn't technology like me?" John questioned you in the car on the way back to your flat.
"I have no idea babe. Maybe you need more patience?.."
You laughed again as he shot you a dirty look but soon he joined in too. It never took long for John to see the light side of a situation.

Mycroft is 100% devoted to you. Anything you want, you get. However, as he is tied down to work a lot of the time, you don't really have a lot of space in your diary's to go shopping together. Although, on rare occasions, Mycroft returns home from work early and whisks you off to a new shopping centre, ready to shower you in gifts. "I think this would suit you beautifully precious" Mycroft stated, whilst holding up a golden sequin dress up to your frame. You smiled and looked down at the item.
"Wow... It's beautiful!"
"A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl" Mycroft replied, smiling down at you. Over the corse of the day, Mycroft bought you various accessories to match the dress. He bought a pair of gold heels, a yellow gold and diamond ring, a shiny pair of earnings and a gorgeous chain necklace.
"Mycroft, you don't have to do all this for me!" You said when you returned home and suddenly realised how many bags you had brought home. Mycroft ushered you into the bedroom to get changed and a few minutes later, you emerged wearing everything Mycroft had bought you.
"Wow... (y/n) you look stunning!"
"Thanks.." You said, looking at the floor nervously. You shuffled your feet around a while until Mycroft embraced you in a large comforting hug.
"I love you (y/n)"
"I love you too Mycroft. But you don't need to buy me expensive things to show me that. You show me every day just by being with me!"
Mycroft smiled kindly down at you and smiled affectionately.

You and Greg had been walking round IKEA for what felt like days. The endless rows of kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, toys, plates, candles, rugs and various other accessories drove you slowly insane.
"Greg... I hate it here... It's so dull!"
Greg smiled back at you. He had a glint in his eye and you noticed it straight away.
"What are you thinking?"
"Something fun..." Greg replied in a childish tone of voice as he placed one hand in your shoulder.
"Close your eyes and could to ten..."
"Just do it."
"Ok... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"
You opened your eyes to see that Greg had disappeared and just then, felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
You opened your phone and saw that you had had a text from Greg. Three simple words which made your entire day better 'come find me'. you smiled down at your phone and immediately started the search. After ten minutes looking, you could him hiding (rather uncomfortably) inside a display wardrobe. You held you your hand to help him out and giggled slightly.
"Well, I have to say that is the most fun I've had all day" you both laughed together and rejoined your never ending journey towards the tills.

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