What to expect while dating Mycroft

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1. Maids -
Due to his high status in the government and a superfluous income, Mycroft often has a few maids come round at the weekend to tidy things up if he is away for long periods of time. It's fine, they usually stay out of your way but you once got into trouble when Mycroft returned home only to find you sat watching television with two of his cleaning maids that you had become particularly chummy with.

2. Money -
Like I said before, Mycroft has a fairly substantial income. As a result of this, he often allows you 'pocket money' to enjoy when he is off on business trips. You love that he cares about you but you often get into little scraps over money because you don't want to be a nuisance. Mycroft will ignore you every time and insist "you are worth your weight in diamonds".

3. Time alone -
Mycroft knows when you need time alone. Expect that. He will respect your boundaries and read body language to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. If you need alone time, he'll leave you alone. If you need a hug, my god, he'll give you a hug.

4. Hugs -
Hugs are vital to any relationship but strangely, (despite being a man of steel) Mycroft loves them more that anything. Prepare for a lot of cuddling on the sofa during movies or spooning in bed to warm you up on cold winter nights. He uses both his and your heights to their own advantages to make sure you are always slotted into the most comfortable position possible.

5. Compliments -
Yes. This is very important. Mycroft cannot stand any kind of self deprecation from the people he cares about so if you even hint about something you don't like about yourself, he will immediately bombard you with compliments and gestures to wipe the negativity away. If you are having a bad hair day, he will brush the fringe out of your eyes and insist you look beautiful all the same. If you call yourself stupid, he will do everything he can to prove you aren't. If you feel a little negativity about your body, he will lift you up in his arms and hug the doubt away. Basically he is a perfect gentleman.

6. Fancy clothes  -
Personally, you don't care how much your clothes cost, as long as they fit and look nice on you, you're happy. However, Mycroft has an alternate view. Be prepared to be showed in expensive pencil skirts, blouses, trousers, dresses... Basically anything you can wear, he buys. He insists it's for his benefit as well as yours because you just look so ravishingly beautiful when he 'dresses you up' that he can't resist you. Buying clothes is seen as quite a romantic gesture by Mycroft so he does it to show his love for you (even when you insist it's too much).

7. Annoying noises -
Prepare for some really annoying noises... I know... It's weird. Mycroft is quite vocal about his feelings so he will quite often sigh, groan, mutter or hum if something goes wrong or annoys him. He doesn't make these noises at you but they will go on in the background of whatever you are doing until you pay him some attention. He's just a big baby really. The most common of these noises is the 'irritated growl' which he often does when he gets a text saying;
"How's the diet? -SH"

8. Protection -
If there is even the slightest danger in London, Mycroft thinks of you first. Possible terrorist attack? "Send a limo to pick (y/n) up from work now!". Moriarty is back? "I want all security cameras monitored, I want to know she is safe". Murderer on the loose? "Send (y/n) to work with a bodyguard today... I'm not taking any chances..."

9. Help -
Wether it be mental or physical, Mycroft is your rock when it comes to help. Prepare to be guided by the hand through tricky situations and comforted through physical pain. Though Mycroft does not have a reputation for being an emotional man, he can read you like a book and knows the help protocol for most situations.

10. Adoration -
Mycroft absolutely and utterly adores everything about you. Being a mechanical man with a heart of stone, he never thought that he could possibly ever love someone or -even more impossible- someone could love him. Nothing can break you apart... Mycroft will always be there ready to catch you when you fall or love you when you feel empty. I guess you could say; When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around, all you want is for somebody to find you...Well...Mycroft is that somebody. He will support you when you don't feel strong enough to stand he will love you till the end of time and he will never let you go.

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