Oversized jumpers

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For the past couple of hours, you had been scouring your flat, helplessly searching for a single item of clothing. You could not find it anywhere. As you buried your head deeper into your wardrobe, you heard Sherlock inhale sharply and deeply signing your attention. He rubbed his temples impatiently until you finally turned around.
"What??" You questioned, aware that he was clearly irritated.
"What do you mean, what?! (Y/n) you have been making an absolute mess for the past hour! It is very hard to think when there is flying clothing articles racing past my head!"
You stopped your search, letting your hands fall limply by your side with defeat. You ran your fingers through your slightly flustered hair and walked over to sit beside him on the sofa. His shoulder was warming, not like his usual 'ice cold' front he puts up to defend himself.
"Look... I'm sorry. I was just looking for something"

"Something important, surveying the mess you've caused" Sherlock stated, laughing dryly

"It's my grandma's jumper... It's far too big for me but... I wear it when I feel a bit down... Work has been chaos lately and I just...I miss her so much..."

Sherlock bit his lip sensing there was real pain crawling it's way up your throat and slithering into your speech like a lizard. He tried his best to comfort you. He 'tenderly' put his arm round you and held your shoulder tightly as you sighed producing small amounts of tears with every exhalation. Realising your condition was getting worse, he used his other hand to cradle just below your waist and allowed your head to come to rest on his fragile chest. Smiling slightly, you spoke as you felt his shirt dampen while you cried
"I'm sorry... I'm just a bit emotional at the moment it's..."

"Your grandma's birthday..." He cut you off.

You nodded your head, not even wanting to question how he knew. You just lied there, not saying a word until Sherlock broke the silence again.

"I... I know it's not quite the same but... I was rather an avid jumper wearer when I was a teenager. I think I still have a few. I was quite tall so they would undoubtably fit you. Do you want..."

"Yes" you interrupted before he could finish. "Yes, please, could I wear one of yours?..."

"Of course ..."

He gently rose from the seat, not letting you fall but gracefully slide into a pillow beside you. He returned several minutes later with a Mercury blue cable-knit which was a little bleached around the frayed cuffs of the sleeves. He walked toward you and stopped to softly pass it forward. You inspected it's inky splendour before grinning discreetly and reaching out to take it. Your grin extended as you pulled it over your head and inserted your arms.
"Good?" he asked, curiously.

"Better than good" you bit your lip as a tear cascaded from the bridge of your nose onto your lap. You couldn't believe how soft it was... It was amazing.

"Thank you Sherlock" you chocked, trying not to burst into tears again.

"Shhh.. It's ok" he whispered, smiling. He held the back of your head and once again, allowed you to rest your face -now blotchy with tears- on his chest. Your irregular, jerky breathing calmed and you fluttered off to sleep.

"I'll always be here for you... With whatever you need..." Sherlock sighed as he gazed at your sleeping beauty.
"Whatever you need..."

"Oooh! Look at this one!..." You gazed in amazement at the array of cords, shirts, skirts, blouses and coats which were displayed rather haphazardly across the stalls. You had dragged John to one of those 'exotic markets' where there were clothes available from countries all over the world. John was hardly enthusiastic about the whole idea but he did love you so he humoured your adventurous side while you got the initial vivacity of buzzing out of your system. He zoned in and out of your various ramblings but decided to listed when you pulled him over to a Japanese cart selling jumpers.
"Oh my gosh! John! I've heard about these!"

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