Mycroft oneshot - gender fluid

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A/n- HELLO EVERYONE! I am back! Yes! I am not dead... Thank goodness

I've taken a break and I feel much better now. I've got fresh ideas and I hope you'll enjoy what I've got in store!

(Just so you know, the topic this part addresses is a little unfamiliar to me so if I get my facts wrong feel free to politely correct me as I would hate to offend anyone!)

Any ways.... ENJOY!! 😊

You had kind of always known you were gender fluid. Even from a very young age, you would confuse your parents by wanting 'girl' clothes one day and 'boy' clothes another. Mycroft, however, fully understood your situation. For an extensive period of time, he had a university flatmate who was gender fluid who went by the name Michael or Michelle. He considered it normal by his standards. He was a little conscious, seemingly rightfully so, about bringing you to meet Sherlock for the first time...

"It's just gone nine thirty!"
Mycroft called as he straightened his tie pin in the mirror and methodically fiddled with the pointed bottom edges of his waistcoat. The room in which he stood was lit only by a curious broad stem of light which shot through the open window and meandered across the floor to the doorway by which you appeared.
"Alright Mykie... I'm ready"
You replied before inhaling deeply and stepping into the light. It was a 'boy day' Your hair was pulled tightly back into a slick ponytail so that you didn't have to cut it off and the lack of makeup on your skin showed off your adorable ginger freckles which lay in a cluster just above the bridge of your nose. Your navy blue suit matched Mycroft's perfectly down to the last detail. Even your trousers were pressed to perfection.
"You look so handsome (y/n)"
mycroft smiled poetically, his face telling a thousand words and more. You bit your lip as you grinned back, you too began fiddling with the outfit nervously until he stepped forward and held your hands, ceasing their hesitant motion.
"What if Sherlock doesn't understand?" You asked sheepishly, staring at your feet, almost apologetically that you couldn't just be a 'normal girl' like every other female.
"It's ok love... I know he won't understand... He doesn't understand a lot of things. The important thing is that I do understand and I'll love you no matter what"
"Thank you..."

As the black limo pulled up outside 221b, you felt a knot tighten on your stomach. It was like a rope had twisted its way around your organs and was suffocating you from the inside out. Mycroft sensed your feeling of apprehension and once again grasped your hand to provide a slight warming comfort.
"It's ok, just know I will be there the whole time..."

As you ascended the creaky stairs, you heard Sherlock's obnoxious deductions echoing off the walls as he shouted from upstairs

"Ooh... Two sets of footsteps. One Mycroft's, obviously how could I not recognise those heavy thuds? Other set? Lighter, female, short... Probably about 5'3. The steps are frequent so they are both wearing restrictive clothing, probably cotton trousers, based in the time of year... Blue!"

Sherlock smiled as he turned to see his big brother in the doorway with folded arms.
"Hello brother..."
He stated in annoyance of Sherlock's offensive deductions. You slowly stepped out from behind Mycroft and stood awkwardly before someone decided to break the silence. John. He put down his bowl of cereal and politely engaged.
"Nice to see you Mycroft and?..."
You replied quietly.
Mycroft stated with a forced smile and nod of his regal head
"Sherlock, this is my partner, I thought you should meet him"

He winced as he said this, knowing Sherlock would get involved. He did.

Sherlock's face studied you for a short while before deciding that there was no way that you could possibly be a boy.
"Mycroft, she's clearly a girl. Just because she dressed like you and didn't wear makeup doesn't mean she isn't a girl! It's biology, two X chromosomes means female, you can't chance science"

Mycroft grasped even tighter on to your hand, more to prevent himself from lunging at his brother than anything else. You sighed and placed your other hand round his waist to give him the confidence to speak.

"Sherlock, please lose the ignorance! Gender is a social construct, they may be female biologically speaking but their gender changes from day to day, I expect you to respect that like I respected you when you told me you were a homosexual"

John suddenly choked on his cornflakes and dropped his spoon to the floor creating a clatter which silenced the room.
He asked quietly, turning to Sherlock.
"Shut up, you didn't hear anything"
John just sat childishly giggling to himself for the rest of the visit until you and Mycroft left the apartment.

"Thank you for the way you handled that..." You thanked Mycroft softly as you returned to the car.
"No problem... He just aggravated me. It's hard to take someone acting ignorant around the person you love"

You let out a beaming smile which you had been trying to conceal by biting your lip but when it reached Mycroft, it infected him too. You both went home grinning like idiots. You giggled for a second before speaking

"I hope they invite us to the wedding..."

This sent Mycroft into hysterics. Finally, after he calmed down, you spent the rest of the journey resting against his chest and tapping your foot to the percussive bear of his heart.
"I love you myc"
"I love you too"

A/n- again, thanks for putting up with my absence! It was a little longer than I intended but I feel better about where I am now. Hope you enjoyed 😊

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