Bad habits you picked up from them

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For anyone who knows him, Sherlock has very strange and irregular eating patterns. He can go for days on end, surviving on nothing but mere cups of tea and the odd handful of grapes here and there.
Because you have been living with Sherlock for so long, these bad eating habits slowly began to rub off you... Much to Sherlock's dismay. He almost lost his mind when he realised. He felt awful.
"I'm off to the yard Sherlock!" You shouted to your boyfriend as you stooped to tie up you brown ankle boots. As you were doing so, he curiously poked his head round the door and scoured your attire with his blue piercing eyes.
"Not taking a packed lunch?" He asked, quite plainly.
You looked up to meet the brightness of his gaze and replied
"No. I can't eat while I'm working. It slows me down"
You turned to exit the flat when you heard fast paced footsteps behind you and suddenly felt a hand come down onto your shoulder, heavy with worry.
"Sherlock!" You piped "you made me jump! What's wrong?" You turned around to look upon the total and utter dismay which plastered his usually unemotional face.
"You can't go to work without food (y/n). You need it for energy."
You eyed him up and down with slight annoyance and stated
"Well you do it! You insist that digesting slows your brain down... So I tried it"
Sherlock bows his head sorrowfully and gently shook it from side to side before speaking again.
"Babe... I've been accustomed to this for years. You can't just jump right into it, it's not healthy. Listen to me... I need to think, you need to eat. Ok?"
Your judgemental gaze softened slightly as you calmly nodded in response. Sherlock smiled and ran his hands from your shoulders down to your waist and, once again, his face dropped.
"(Y/n)! How long have you been doing this for?"
"A little over a month maybe?... Why?"
Sherlock strained himself to hold back the tears which so evidently wanted to emerge
"You have lost a stone! Perhaps more! Dear god what have I done to you?..." He collapsed at the knees and fell to the floor, surprisingly gracefully, as he let out a defeated sob.
"Sherlock!" You cried out, grabbing his hands and tilting his head up to face you, "I'll be fine. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you... I'll pick up some lunch at the yard ok?"
Sherlock sniffed and smiled again
"Ok babe. Promise you'll eat?"
"I promise"

Obviously, he is not like this all the time but John has a tendency to lose it quite easily. His time in the army has massively shortened his temper and his mindless shouting inevitably rubbed off on you...
You were at the yard with John and Sherlock, working on a case that Sherlock almost had cracked. The three of you were surrounded by other members of the office just walking around and doing their normal duties. Somehow though, they were annoying you in a strange way... It was too loud.  You turned around to see Anderson spouting his usual nonsense at Greg, behind you was Sally Donovan shouting, trying to get Greg's attention, another few guys were laughing loudly. It was really starting to get to you. Quickly, you squeezed John's hand for comfort
"What's wrong babe?" He asked you innocently as he smiled that big stupid smile he always does.
"I'm going to take a time out for a minute or two..." You tried to slip out of his warm grasp but he latched on tighter
"Sherlock has almost cracked it (y/n). Can you hang on for a few more minutes?"
You grimaced and nodded unconvincingly as you went back to observing your surroundings. All of the noises had just blurred into one loud, obscure, droning mess... You were going to break any second.
"Deep breaths..." You whispered to yourself as you tried to blotch out the noise, but to no avail...
you opened your eyes to se everyone in the room starring at you, apart from Sherlock. He was pleased...
"Thank you (y/n), couldn't have put it better myself!"

It is obviously clear to see that Mycroft is a man of work. He cherishes every second of his job in the British government and often pushes himself to complete his work before deadlines and as a result of this, often works through the night.
This workaholic attitude was quick to run off on you. Especially with your new job offer as an office worker for the government as well as Mycroft. Every day you are bombarded by wave after wave of complex files and secret data base codes. After a while, it's hard to catch up with...
"Athena. Could you please call (y/n) to my office? She should have finished work hours ago... I'm beginning to worry." As Mycroft let go of the button on the intercom, he began to furiously tap his fingers on the desk as if the last time he saw you was years ago.
A few minutes later, Athena scooted into his office and stated "she doesn't want to come out yet. She isn't ready."
Mycroft frowned.
"Isn't ready? Still? She's been working for hours... I'll go and check in her... To be safe"
He meandered, slightly urgently down the long, oak boarded corridor and knocked on your door. As he did so, it swung open in its own and he cautiously stepped inside.
"(Y/n)?" Mycroft called
"Mycroft! I'm almost done! Please! I'm nearly there! Please go!!" You typed frantically onto the noisy keyboard in front of you. Your eyes were wide but dull from exhaustion, Mycroft was forced to step in...
"Precious! Stop. Just for a night. You've been working for days straight, it's not healthy. When's the last time you even ate or slept?"
"Tuesday..." Came your bland response
"Tuesday?! It's Friday now!! You've not eaten in three days?!! (Y/n)! You are coming home with me at once! No excuses!"
He practically dragged you away from your computer screen and carried you outside to his car and set you down in the front passenger seat. You were too tired to protest any further, before you knew it, your eyelids fluttered closed and you were fast asleep. Mycroft just smiled as you slept. You looked so peaceful. He made sure that he had made you some food for when you woke up... He's just perfection.

Greg, despite what you may think, has a huge habit of over thinking things which really don't matter. He could be in his office and hear a loud bang outside and immediately think it's gunfire. Mostly though, it's just Anderson tripping over and face planting the filing cabinet. This bad habit, of course, has influenced you quite a lot in your daily life. Sometimes quite dramatically...
It was seven o clock on Friday evening. Greg was due home over an hour ago... Where was he? You decided to shrug it off and turn on the TV to take your mind off it, however, that turned out to be a very bad idea... The news suddenly blared into life, spouting something about a taxi collision in the northern side of London. "What? No... Greg is up north side... No! Please God, no!!" You threw your hands up to your face and started to hyperventilate at the thought of Greg being in a car crash. As tears streamed down your face, you heard a knock at the door.
"Must be the police..." You sobbed quietly to yourself as you approached the oak framed entrance. As you swing the door open your heart leaped and you couldn't hold back a screech of delight "GREG!!!" You hurled your arms about his neck and hugged him so tightly he thought he was going to burst.
"What's up with you! Haha!" He chuckled as he simultaneously gasped for air through your immense grip.
" I thought you were in a crash.." You spluttered through streaming tears
"No baby! I was in traffic! The roads were so bad I had to walk. I would have called but my phone die-"
You cut him off mid sentence with a passionate kiss and knocked him speechless.
"Wow... I should be late more often!" He joked as you hugged him again, even tighter than before.

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