Writingmas - Day 21!

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John oneshot- drunk on sleep meds

For the past few evenings, you had been so excited for Christmas that you were -annoyingly- keeping both John and yourself awake long into the night. When it came to the tenth evening straight of you doing this, John had really had enough with you and resorted to drastic measures.
"Sweetie" he whispered to you from across the room where you were sat, reading and giggling excitedly, like a child every few seconds. "Sweetie are you listening to me?" John repeated, growing rapidly more irritated as you kept ignoring his futile attempts at communicating. Slowly, he rose from his chair and walked toward you. He stood next to you for a few seconds before you finally managed to snap back into reality.
"Oh, hi John! How long have you been stood there?" He knelt by your side and placed a warm hand on your shoulder before speaking.
"Babe... You must be tired by now, it's almost midnight. I want to go to sleep."
You giggled again
"Nope!" You smiled at him but before he could reply, you cut him off with a shriek "IM SO EXCITED!!"
John winced at your scream and gave up on trying to calm you to sleep. He strode into the kitchen and removed a bottle of sleeping medication from the cupboard above the stove and began to boil the kettle. Several minutes later, John had lovingly created a large mug of hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. Before returning to the living room, he poured a small amount of the sleep meds into the luxurious drink and finished it off with a sprinkle of coco powder.
"Babe... I made you a hot chocolate...."
John hesitantly handed you the large mug and sat, almost guiltily as he saw you down it in two minutes flat.
"Thank you so much John. I love you."

- after 10 minutes-

Lets just say... The sleeping medicine kicked in...
" jooohhhnnn...." You yawned lethargically as you sprawled yourself across the carpet whilst rubbing your eyes.
"I... I... Really love you, y'know that John? Like reeeeally love you like THIS much"
you extended you arms as far as they could go and then ungracefully face planted the floor. John chuckled a little and shook his head.
"I think you are tired miss..."

"Nuuu... No. No Johnnn! I'm not tired! I wantt toooo be awakee!"
John face palmed as you stumbled drunkenly around the flat, almost knocking over the Christmas tree in your path. Eventually, you completely wore yourself out and crashed out on the sofa. Seeing this, john approached you calmly and gently slid his arms under your waist and legs to lift you up. He carefully carried your sleeping frame to the bedroom where he tucked you into bed, still fully clothed. He smiled to himself and kissed your forehead as you slept.
"Goodnight sweetheart.... I love you"

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