Writingmas - Day 3!

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A/n - this chapter kinda contradicts the 'how you met' chapter with Mycroft but it's a one off thing so it doesn't really matter that much 😊

Mycroft oneshot - love letter

The day was bitter. Bitterly cold, bitterly wet... Just bitter in general. You felt so deflated as a result, you excused yourself from Mycroft's company to retrieve the myriad of dusty boxes which concealed your Christmas decorations. As you scaled the rickety latter to the attic, you were met by a rather large moth which flew square at your face, without warning.
"Gah!!" You shrieked, batting it away with your flimsy hands and falling backwards into a pile of decaying cardboard boxes which had probably never been touched since you moved in. As you stood up, regaining your composure, you noticed one box you had flattened had a letter poking out of it. It was encapsulated within a hand folded, parchment envelope; had a golden, unbroken wax seal... And was addressed to you.
"Miss (y/n) (y/l/n)?" You read aloud, softly, as you cradled the letter across both palms. It was dated from back when Mycroft was at university with you. 'If it's mine, there's no harm in opening it is there?' You asked yourself internally before very intricately prising open the seal in order to not break it too much. You had no idea who the note was from until you got to the very end...

'My dearest (y/n),

I have spent too long now admiring your beauty from afar, yet I feel too insignificant to approach a creature of your celestial superiority. My insecure tardiness to this expression of feeling is hardly forgivable and I resent the thought that rejection is inevitable. This rejection, however, is becoming a more and more looming reality as time goes on...

Your grace bewilders me. Your intelligence baffles me and the true eloquence at which you approach every day life is far out of reach of anything I could ever be capable. You are like a being of  unknown origin, a figure too perfect and peaceful to be humbly bestowed upon this world. I ask you then, would you give me the royally uplifting honour of being my partner. Would you, an image of true beauty, accept me as a lover and a friend?

If your answer is inevitably no, I cannot say that I will be surprised but that will not neutralise the aching disappointment that your answer would anchor me with. I would give my heart and soul to you, asking for only a single kiss from your angelic lips in return. All the riches of the oceans would not sway my feelings in any direction but yours.

Yours truly, lovingly and eternally,

Mycroft xxx'

"Mycroft?...." You gasped, shallowly.
"(Y/n), what's taking you so long?" Mycroft called as he, too, clambered up the less-than-trustworthy, wooden ladder. "(Y/n), what are you-" Mycroft froze. He blushed profusely as he noted the hand written letter you were clutching.
"You weren't supposed to read that! I wrote that at Uni! I thought I'd gotten rid of it so that this wouldn't happen!"
He stuttered with defenceless innocence which made him sound almost breathless. You smiled at him and slid the letter back into the envelope. You placed it in his quivering hands.
"Did you really mean all that?" You whispered, glancing down at the letter.
Mycroft smiled at you with a sense of stabilised gaiety as he closed his shaky fingers over the fragile paper of the forbidden love note.
"Every single word, precious... Just promise me you won't mention this to anyone... I'm not typically known as the romantic and I fear that the exposure of my-"
"Don't worry... I won't speak a word."
"Thank you."
He bent down, placing the letter back between the juts of cardboard where it had emerged. He then held you in his arms, as delicately as you had held the letter, and gently kissed the top of your head.
"I love you Myc..."
"Well... Going by that letter...I suppose I love you too." He grinned.

Sherlock preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें