Sherlock oneshot - for body and mind

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Sorry these are taking so long! I am so tired and stressed and I want to die 😂👍🏻 enjoy this chapter 👌🏻👌🏻❤️

Your body, it seemed, was nothing special. Just that of an average young woman really... Partially well endowed, defined hourglass shape resting above a pair of short legs and cute little size 5 feet. Average you'd say. None of this really mattered though, what really shone out from behind your crystalline blue orbs and chocolate waterfalls was your brain. It was magnificent.

You had been working along side Sherlock at the yard for about six months and it was no secret that you were a fellow genius. You seemed, however, much less pompous and arrogant about the situation. You glided through your days enrobed in modesty and grace which -to the innocent eye- would be perceived as being 'normal'.
"So... We have a suicide case, woman, late thirties, cause of death... Gunshot to the head." Greg spoke as he strode back and forth around the scene, hands behind his back.
Sherlock nodded and was about to allow lestrade to remove the body when you suddenly blurted out
Everyone turned and stared, you had to admit, you felt a little embarrassed.
"What?" Sherlock asked inquisitively, his eyes beginning to sparkle in their familiar way as you squinted at the scene.
"Lestrade, the door was locked with the key on the inside when you arrived correct?"
"Yes (y/n)"
"And you were called here after her lover came to the house to pick up his bag he left the day before and found that she wouldn't answer when he knocked on her bedroom door?"
"That is correct"
You folded your arms and let out a confused sigh
"I don't buy it..." You muttered
You strode round for a little longer before stopping to look down at your feet
"A spoon?" You said, unusually perkily
You picked it up and spun around to show Lestrade
"This was a murder not a suicide!" You commanded aloud making Anderson jump.
"But..." Lestrade spluttered "the gun was in her hand! The door was locked from the inside!" He was becoming more and more confused by the second.
"My god that's genius!" Sherlock whispered as you grinned at Greg.
"Basically Lestrade, I believe that the door was not locked when you arrived... Just wedged with a spoon. Look over there, you see, one of the strings off her guitar is missing. The murdered kicked in the door and quickly shot the victim before wiping the gun clean and placing it in her hand. They then took the key and placed it on the inside of the door and tied the guitar string to the spoon. As they shut the door, they pulled the spoon into the gap below the door to wedge it and give the impression that the door was locked. All they had to do was remove the string and escape! The perfect crime... Almost."
You smiled as Greg just stood there, mouth gaping open like a fish as Sherlock clapped sincerely.
"Well done detective but who did it if your so clever??" Anderson taunted sarcastically
"The sister, obviously, only living family connection and based off the info I got John to collect, the victim's lover was was her sister's husband, she was having an affair... Fairly strong motive if you ask me"
Defeated, Anderson and Lestrade hastily left the room leaving you alone with Sherlock. He was silent for a few seconds. A kind of timidness crept over him that you had never seen in Sherlock before. It reminded you of a fawn making his first attempts to stand, building up courage to take a big step...
"So... That was pretty amazing back there. The guitar string, I didn't even notice it, I'm so stupid. Stupid!"
He furrowed his brow, annoyed at himself for missing a detail that normally he would have picked up on, today though, it seemed as if he was distracted by something.
"Sherlock, don't be angry at yourself! It was a tiny detail! Even I had to strain myself to notice it was missing!"
As you spoke, you noticed that Sherlock had ad advanced forward a good few feet so you could actually see the cogs going round in his well-oiled machine of a head.
"(Y/n) can I tell you something?"
He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes for a brief moment before confessing...
"Look, the past few months we've worked together have been amazing. As I've grown to know you, I felt as if I got to know your brain, your knowledge, your intelligence... It's brilliant! Although, I feel like I was so blinded by your intellect that I didn't see the obvious..."
"And what would that be?"
"I...I.. Think...i... L-l-love you..." He managed to murmur through tightly clenched teeth and eyelids. His hands violently fidgeted by his side and were only calmed when you reached out to take them in yours.
"You do?... W-why?..." You questioned, tearing up a little.
"You are an amazing person. Beautiful, elegant, sophisticated, so much more than just a brain... I love you for body and mind"
For those brief second of speech, the walls collapsed around you and his words sloshed around your head, drowning out any other sounds that your ears tried to detect. Sherlock squeezed your hands back as he continued to smile and talk
"I've seen the way you act... You think you're normal, no more than average... I want to show you that you are so much more than that... You possess beauty of mind and body of which I have never experienced before. You are perfect..."
"S...Sherlock, I..."
"You don't have to say anything... Let's go, George can handle the crime from here."
You giggled and took his hand before striding off down the stairs and on to the frosty London streets, your newly found confidence (and love interest) giving you an extra Spring in your step.

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