Writingmas - Day 22!

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Greg oneshot- Fu*k off Anderson!!!

It's a well known fact that Anderson is a moron. And an idiot. And a cretin... So, he isn't exactly in Greg's good books. This hatred of Anderson however, was blown way out of proportion when he attempted some festive flirtation on you.
For the last five hours, you had been slaving away over a case in Greg's office with Sherlock and John both leaning intimidatingly over your shoulders.
"Guys, can you back off a little? Trying to work here..."
John complied, Sherlock did too but not before rolling his eyes with a clear tone of sass.
"So... Where are we up to?" Greg asked for the fifth time that day, as he rubbed his temples in frustration. You sighed and smacked yourself in the forehead with the palm of your hand
"No further than we were 5 hours ago.."
You struck your forehead yet again, provoking Greg to get up and approach you.
"Don't hurt yourself babe... We'll work it out eventually..."
You sniffed as a tear started to roll down the bridge of your nose. You smiled slightly as Greg told you to go home for the night. He would be coming back soon anyway.
"Okay" you agreed, accepting his body in for a comforting hug as you fiddled with his silvery hair. You collected your bag and swiftly exited the office, this is where you bumped into Anderson...
"Well hello there Sargent (y/l/n)" he stated in a faux suave tone of voice "what are you doing here so late? A pretty thing like you should be at home resting, not working into the night"
He smiled swarthily and raised an eyebrow in an attempt to look sexy.
"Oh! So you don't think I can handle my work?" You asked him plainly, folding your arms. This muddled him for a second, not expecting such a harsh response but he pressed in anyway.
"Sooo... (Y/n), how do you feel about a date Saturday?"
You just looked at him, almost sympathetically,
"I have a boyfriend Anderson, you know that"
He really wasn't going to give up...
"Oh forget Greg! I'm much more suitable! Good looking, sophisticated, smooth talking, the whole package! Sure, you're a little rough around the edges but we can soon fix that!"
Through his entire mini monologue, your blood began to run hotter and hotter. Not only was everything he said untrue but how draw he say that Greg didn't deserve you!
"I'd watch it Anderson..." You muttered through gritted teeth.
"Come on baby" he grabbed your hand, you flinched away in disgust.
"I'm warning you..."
His next move blew it... He stepped close to you, put his hand round your waist and placed his other hand on the back of your neck. He was about to lean on for a kiss when you snapped.
"FU*K OFF ANDERSON!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you pushed him away, making him fall to the foot of the door of Greg's office. Suddenly, the door swung open and Anderson fell backwards, landing at Greg's feet. He immediately sprung up and pattered off, weeping, down the corridor.
"Baby, are you alright?!" Greg asked you urgently as he swept the stray hair from your have and cupped your jaw in his hands.
"Yeah... Yeah I'm ok..." You smiled and gripped into his hands as he stepped closer. You tilted your head up to meet his soft, rosy lips which felt amazing against the warmth of your neck. He slid his hands slowly down your body until hey rested on your hips.
"I love you so much (y/n) and if that idiot ever so much as comes near you again, I will personally knock his lights out!" He mumbled this utterance through your now connected lips which made you grin, the vibrations tickled you sweetly as your eyelids fluttered shut.
"Gross..." Came a voice from behind Greg. You chuckled and responded to the exclamation
"Well you don't have to look, Sherlock!"

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