How you apologise

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When you have annoyed Sherlock in any way, you leave him alone for a while. You know he needs time to think. After that, you go and give him a kiss and whisper sorry in his ear. If that doesn't work, you fetch him a bowl of chocolate ice cream which normally makes him smile.

When he gets upset you feel so bad. You once said 'I hate you' to him when you were angry and instantly regretted it. He spent the rest of the day in your bedroom while you walked down to the shops to buy him an "I'm sorry" gift. You came back with a bar of chocolate and a card which said "I'm sorry I was a dick" you slid them under the door and John emerged, teary eyed and gave you an emotional hug.

Mycroft doesn't often get upset with you because he is so tolerant. When he does, on occasion, get upset, it takes just a tight hug round the waist to change his mood. He hugs you back until you both grin with satisfaction.

You know how to get through to Greg. He can be very shallow at times. Once, you said something to make him angry so he stormed off to work without saying goodbye to you. When he returned home, he saw an empty Victoria's Secret bag by the front door and when he came into the living room and saw you lain across the sofa on your back wearing a hardly modest amount of clothing, he said

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