The honeymoon

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Finally! It's finished! Sorry it took so long guys but I have got 19 exams to study for so 😂😂🔫. any ways.... Here it is ❤️❤️👌🏻

You and Sherlock didn't want to stray abroad for your honeymoon. You both loved the feeling of cool crisp air that crept it's way through all the window panes in the antique looking cottage you had rented for the week.
"Sherlock" , you cooed loudly in a sweet, high pitched voice so that he could hear you from upstairs.
"Yes (y/n)?" You heard the warming gruff reply call back. His voice always sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't believe that you were actually married. At last. You realised, after all your daydreaming, that you hadn't actually replied to Sherlock and another soothing bark from upstairs broke your dreamy trance.
"Sorry Sherlock, come down here! I want to show you something!!"
"I'm only half dressed" Sherlock yelled back playfully, much to your delight.
"Which half?" You said giggling like a toddler.
"Very funny..." Sherlock grinned as he plodded down the rickety stairs while tying the chord on his dressing gown round his slight waist and sat next to you on the cold leather sofa.
"What's up?" He said rubbing your shoulder lovingly.
"Well... You know that 'case' you gave me as a wedding present?.. Well, I think I solved it."
Sherlock hugged you and grinned.
"I knew you'd work it out eventually! Go on. How was it done and who did it?" Sherlock asked eagerly.
"Well... The picture you gave me was of our wedding. So I knew that I would know everyone in the image. Then, there's the victim. Found dead in the garden outside... You said that after testing, it was said the man had perfectly clean hands even though he hadn't been to the bathroom all day. What I think happened was the man had been admiring flowers in the garden when he cut his thumb on a thistle. Someone then offered him some anti bacterial gel for his hands so they wouldn't get infected. However, the person that offered him the gel had injected the fluid with tetanus so when it entered the cut, he subsequently died a few hours later in the garden of tetanus. And the murderer? Obvious, the only man who is never seen at a wedding. The photographer. And why? Much more simple I'm afraid, I new the victim. Apparently he slept with the photographers wife so.... He wasn't happy to say the least..."
Sherlock just starred at you in pure amazement. The corner of his perfectly formed lips wrinkled up into a perfect smile.
"Wow...(y/n) that was amazing! Now I know how John feels..."
You hugged him as you both smiled and giggled each other until you fell asleep across his lap. Everything was perfect.

You were a week into your honeymoon and only had four days left. You could not bare the fact that in four short days you would be flying the flight back from New York with John back to your normal mundane lives (if living with Sherlock could be classed as normal). You stared up at the sky and sighed with happy appreciation.
"Thank you John" you said, still staring at the clouds through your rosy tinted sunglasses.
"For what?" Came a confused reply form John who was sat on a deckchair next to you on the balcony of the penthouse you had rented. You sat up and placed your hand lovingly onto his knee. This made him blush a little and soon enough, he sat up too.
"Marrying me.." You said with a sincere smile which John reflected perfectly. You felt warmth spread through you as he hit up from his chair and sat at your feet. Slowly, he began to inch further and further towards you until your noses almost touched.
"Id be careful John, this deckchair is only plastic. I don't know if it's strong enough to hold both our weights."
You looked genuinely concerned until John silenced you with a passionate kiss.
"It will be fine babe it-...."
His words were cut off by a loud cracking sound and soon you both plummeted the one foot drop to the glass balcony floor. You were laying awkwardly on top of each other but you couldn't help but muster a slight giggle
"I told you" you bragged as you looked into his deep eyes. He kissed you yet again before speaking comfortingly
"I don't know about you, but I'm much happier down here...." 

Only the best of the best would do for your honeymoon with Mycroft. He ordered his private staff, to fly his private jet, to his private beach house, on his private island. (You weren't too sure but you had a hunch that the seas surrounding it was private too). Even though the scenery was truly breathtaking, you were much more engaged with the time you spent with your husband strolling along white sandy beaches and sipping very expensive coffee.
"Mycroft... This is amazing" you sighed happily as he laid his arm softly over your shoulders. His hands fiddled with your hair that coiled elegantly down your back and he too sighed with calming relief. As you both stared over at the looming horizon, Mycroft suggested that you should go and get lunch together as it was half one in the afternoon. You readily agreed the proposal.

The kitchen of the private beach house was alive with colourful smells and sounds. You giggled as Mycroft twirled a wooden spatula around in the air confidently before awkwardly dropping it on the floor at your feet. As you smiled and bent down to pick it up, you chirped "smells good Mycroft. What are you making?"
"It's a special recipe. It's called... Bacon sandwiches..." He laughed as your face curled up into an ironic smile. It wasn't exactly a gourmet dish, but Mycroft made it so you were sure it would be lovely. After 10 more minutes of frantic looking cookery, the two meals were prepared. Bacon sandwiches with tomato sauce. Amazing. You sat down together at the kitchen island and ate them while you talked about everything and nothing. Two bacon sandwiches later, you both rose to your feet and began to clear away the dishes.
"Do you fancy a swim later precious?" Mycroft suggested as you raised a dripping plate from the ornate marble sink to dry it.
"Umm.... Yeah. Yeah.. Nice" you stammered trying to sound cool.
"Why the hesitation (y/n)? Do you not want to swim?" Mycroft's voice was growing in curiosity with each word.
"No.. No I do. It's just... You know. I only brought bikinis with me on this trip which was a bad idea.... I don't really feel comfortable..."
Mycroft's eyes became doe like and sympathetic as you scratched your arm nervously.
"Precious... You look absolutely gorgeous in everything. You know I would never lie to you (y/n)."
You smiled half heartedly and game Mycroft a tight hug.
"Thank you babe... I love you"
"Love you too"

It was the last day of your honeymoon in Venice. Sadly, you collected your things from various places they had been shoved around your rented apartment. You and Greg had enjoyed a wonderful time in Venice but inevitably, it was now time to make the sorry journey home. As you pushed down furiously on your suitcase trying in vain to close the zip -which seemed to mock you- Greg creeped up behind you and placed his hands playfully on your hips. This made you jump and let out a pathetic sound that was really too sorry to be called a scream.
"Greg!? You startled me!" You giggled as you spun round to meet his gaze. The sun oozed in through the venetian blinds which shaded the window and reflected beautifully off his silver hair.
"Once you are done packing, I have one last surprise for you sweet pea..." Greg teased as he tapped the end of your nose with his index finger making it wrinkle up like a little bunny would do as it sniffed around in the grass.
"Sounds interesting." You cooed back as you finally pulled the stubborn zip shut and slid the case off the bed to the floor with a soft thud. "Let's go!"

A taxi picked you both up from the apartment and drove you swiftly to the airport destined for London.
"This doesn't seem very special babe." You mocked sarcastically as you strolled through the check-in together. After 5 minutes of aimless wondering, Greg suddenly pointed his finger across the front of your body so enthusiastically you almost fell over.
"Greg? Again?? Really? Stop scaring me!" You laughed and tried to move his hand from your path.
"Look babe.... What's that?" Greg said, trying to act surprised but failing miserably. You turned to look out of the terminal window and your heart skipped a beat. Blazoned across the side of your plane in big bold letters was 'I love (y/n)!" You struggled to hold back tears but the joy engulfed you and won the fight for control. Tears streamed down your face.
"Oh my god... Greg... This is ... AMAZING !!" You hugged him and gave him a passionate kiss. "How did you do it?!!"
"Well... Let's just say, I know people.............................. When I say people, I mean Mycroft."
You both giggled and melted in for another warm hug.
"I love you too Greg..."

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