When you were bullied

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Every day it was the same... You had taken the job offer from Molly at the morgue to gain experience in the field but it turned out to be a nightmare. You would go to work and after about ten minutes, Harry would arrive... He was a new in-turn. He was supposed to fetch coffee, clean up spills, answer the phone etc... But he made it his main goal to make your life a misery. When nobody was looking, he would mess around with your chemicals in test tubes, causing a small explosion. You knew it was him because every time Molly told you off for doing something wrong, he would giggle evilly to himself and carry on his duties like an angel. However, one day, he got a little too cocky. He decided to confront you face to face alone -or so he thought-. He came up behind you and pushed you into your desk
"Agh" you grunted "what the hell?"
Harry threw his brush to the floor and looked you dead in the eye.
"Pick it up (y/n)" he sneered.
"What? Why?"
"I should have gotten your job! I am much smarter than you could ever be! It should be YOUR job to fetch the coffee. You know nothing about science. You are just a gear big idiot!" With every word he spat out, you were forced further and further backward until you were on the floor, teary eyed. Harry raised his hand ready to slap you when his arm was stopped mid swing.
"Sherlock!" You cried. "Thank goodness!"
Sherlock looked at Harry and sighed. "If I catch you bulling my darling (y/n) ever again, I will see to it that you fall out of that window over and over until I lose count"
Harry cowered and scampered off out of the door.
"(y/n)! Are you alright?" Sherlock asked worriedly, with his arm outstretched to pull you up.
"Y.. Yeah.. I'm fine Sherlock..."
"Listen to me (y/n) you are not stupid. Don't let him bother you. You are one of the most intelligent women I've ever met" he looked down at you through his deep eyes and you kissed passionately just as Molly came back to check in you. She sighed and left. She knew you were busy...

John often took you to Scotland Yard to help him and Sherlock with cases. You do love it there because it means you get to catch up with some of your friends. Lestrade, Sargent Donovan and a few others you have come to know. However, the one person you tried to avoid most of all.... Anderson.
"How's the detecting going?" Anderson shouted at you from down the corridor.
"Not bad..." You sighed in response
"And how's the diet?"
"I'm not on a diet Anderson..."
"Well that explains a lot" he laughed cruelly as he passed you in the hallway making sure that he walked around you.
"Just making sure you have room to get through the corridor detective"
You sighed to yourself under your breath and muttered 'don't rise to it... He's trying to get inside your head'
"See you later fat ass" he called to you over his shoulder, not noticing that John had just appeared in front of him.
"I'm not fat" John stated.
"Sorry John, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to that whale back there."
He pointed at you and giggled. John's brow furrowed.
"Anderson... That is my girlfriend."
"Shit......" Anderson stuttered.
"And if you call her fat one more time I will personally kick your head in am I clear?"
Anderson didn't really answer, he just whimpered and sprinted off down the hallway.
"Are you alright babe?" John asked, hugging you tightly.
"Not really no..."
"Don't listen to him babe. He is an idiot! You aren't fat he's just jealous that you are good looking" you giggled slightly at this as John wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered "come on, let's get back. Sherlock's almost solved the case" you held his hand and wandered back down the hall. Anderson was nowhere to be seen.

Sherlock had been given a particularly hard case to crack. So hard in fact, that he had to join forces with Mycroft before even attempting to solve it. Because of this, Sherlock was staying at yours and Mycroft's house for a week or two. Great. You hated Sherlock. He was such. An arrogant, stuck up baby who always spoke his mind. It infuriated you day in, day out.
"Sherlock" you asked hesitantly as he scoured over an ensemble of littered pictures.
"Hmmm..?" He hummed in response.
"Tea?" You said simply.
"(y/n) I must ask you to leave the room you are lowering my iq with every sentence"
"Sherlock!" Mycroft shouted. "I'll have you know, (y/n) is very intelligent! She has an iq of 130 so could you please stop insulting her."
"It's fine Mycroft... He does it all the time..."
Mycroft looked at you, shocked, as you scratched the back of your head with shame and embarrassment.
"What?..." He muttered. "Sherlock. Get out." 
"Get out!"
Sherlock picked up his coat calmly, swung it onto his arms and promptly exited your house.
"How long has he been bullying you?"
You thought hard. You couldn't remember a time when he wasn't insulting your intelligence.
"Ever since I met him..."
"Oh precious.." Mycroft hugged you tightly and re assured you that you were not stupid and never to listen to a word Sherlock said. You smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Mycroft"

"Seriously? How did you ever score with Greg? Did you drug him or something?" Sally Donovan mocked. She always mocked you. She hated you. Secretly, you think she has a thing for Greg which is why she makes fun of you.
"Like, have you seen your face?"
You forced yourself not to tear up in front of sally but it became increasingly difficult as her burns got worse
"You really think he loves you? He's lying you know. He doesn't love you."
"Shut up Sally!!" You shouted hatefully back at her. Greg heard this and came running down the corridor and looked through the window to where the two of you were sat. As he peered through the glass, his anger levels boiled over.
"You are stupid. Greg could never love someone as ugly as you. Get real!" The tear were now streaming down your cheeks but they suddenly stopped as Greg stormed in.
"Donovan! My office NOW!!!!"
She squeaked in fear and trudged off to his office. As soon as she had gone, Greg rush ed over and lifted you up in his strong arms.
"Oh (y/n) I love you utterly, you know that right?"
You wiped mascara filled tears from your eyes and nodded limply.
"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I am so lucky to have you sweet pea" you smiled and planted a soft, loving kiss on his forehead 
"Thank you babe"

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