How they comfort you

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Sherlock comforts you by sitting with you on the sofa and wrapping his dressing gown around you. This act is normally accompanied by a movie or a tv box set like doctor who. Sherlock keeps trying to explain why the physics of the TARDIS won't work. This makes you giggle every time.

John leaves you alone when you need comforting. I know it sounds odd, but he knows what you like. He sets up your laptop with youTube and makes you some hot chocolate. After that he wraps your duvet around your shoulders and let's you watch DanandPhilGames in the dark.

Mycroft has realised that you find it incredibly comforting when he reads to you. He dims the lights and sits on his leather sofa as you lay next to him with your head across his lap. Once, you sat for hours as he read you 'pride and prejudice' until you fell asleep.

Greg takes you on a walk when you need comforting. Normally, you stroll round London, hand in hand while you drink strong coffee from Starbucks. After a while, you wander over and take a seat in Regent's Park and watch the sunset while you are serenaded by the caws of parrots.

Sorry this is a short chapter guys. I'm writing it in the car and it's really hard to focus. 😂

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