How you met?

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Oh my god guys, I've just realised, I haven't said how you met yet 😂😂😂 what are we on? Part 45??! Jesus! This should have been the first one 🤓 I am so intelligent! Anyway... Here we go, sorry it's late but this is how you met... (Well done me 😅🙃)

You first met Sherlock at the yard. Lestrade was hiring new interns to do little jobs like fetch coffee and organise files. The idea was that you would claw your way up the pecking order through hard work and one day hopefully work for the force. One night, you stayed at the yard to finish your filing -it had been a long day and Anderson was being an asshole- when you heard voices coming from the room opposite yours. You slowly approached the door and leant in to see if you could hear more clearly but they still were barely a whisper. It was obvious that whoever was talking didn't know you were still in the building. As you were very scared at this point, you picked up a small plastic chair from the corridor and breathed softly to regain composure. Suddenly, you kicked the door, sending the lock flying and smashing the mysterious man over the head with the chair. It was Anderson....
"Oops...." You said awkwardly as you put the chair down. Greg just stood there, astounded as Anderson let out a series of painful sounding groans from the floor. The other man, however, approached you and held out his hand which you shook complacently as you got lost in his Aqua eyes.
"Nice job.." He said very a-matter-of-factly. "I've been wanting to do that to the idiot for years!"
You giggled slightly as you spoke "I'm (y/n)... (Y/n) (y/l/n)."
The man nodded his head and turned to leave but before doing so he turned back to you and said coolly "the name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221b Baker Street."
You blinked slowly as he left. Running after him, you asked "wait, why did you give me your address?"
He paused, turned his head, and said simply "you are an intelligent woman (y/n), why do you think?"
You were then left alone in the corridor. You cheeks glowed an alarming shade of pink and you barely noticed when Anderson ran past you, bawling like a toddler.

With John, you met in a kind of cliché way... You had just come out of Costa with a morning coffee -this was not normal for you but you had a hangover from the night before so you needed something to pick you up- it had three shots of coffee and two pumps of caramel in it so you were fairly sure it was going to give you a heart attack but you didn't care through the consistent, melancholy throbbing coming from your head. You let the door swing closed as you left and you slipped your bag over your shoulder so you could cup the coffee vessel in both hands (it was an oddly cold morning in London) and you blew on it to watch the steam dance around in the frosty air before disappearing with a calm fade. After a few seconds of pondering, you headed off down the path back home to your flat on Baker Street. You were so engrossed in your hot beverage that you didn't hear the shouts of alertness and warning coming from a few metes in front of you. In a total flash of steam and pain, you collided with a greyish-blond haired man in a knitted cable jumper and your coffee was distributed evenly across the front of your beige Mac coat. The second man -who wore a long trench coat and blue scarf- ran straight past the crash and continued on down the street, only shouting back "should be more careful John! We are catching a killer here!!"
You looked up into the eyes of the man you had knocked you down and somehow you felt strangely drawn to his kind looking face.
"Oh my god. Are you ok? I'm so sorry!" The man said, flustered as he tried to wipe the congealed lumps of caramel off your coat (and out of your hair).
"I'm John, John Watson..."
You were still gasping for air but managed to splutter out
"Hi John... In (y/n)..."
John stood you to your feet and apologised profusely again before taking a folded item of paper out of his pocket and placing it into your shaking hand.
"Here. Take this. It's my number and address, 221b Baker Street. Feel free to come up any time so I can make it up to you. Oh, and I'll pay for your laundry bill!"
You giggled back as you placed the number in your pocket
"Thanks John.." You smiled
"Any time... You know it's not everyday you run into a woman quite as beautiful as you..."
You smiled nervously as John gave you a quick hug and went on his way, sprinting back down the street after his curly-haired friend.

Sherlock preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora