4. Horrible influence

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Chapter 4: Horrible influence

Kelsey's POV


The day went on quietly. I couldn't stop thinking about everything Ethan told me. He always acted so carefree, like he didn't care about anything, but it seemed like it was the opposite, and the fact that he was keeping it all bottled up inside made me hurt for him. 

His words made me appreciate my dad and all he had done for me a whole lot more, which was exactly why I ended up calling him right after I got back from grocery shopping for the barbecue.

"What's up kiddo?" My dad asked as soon as he answered.

Hearing his voice was really calming for me. I knew that as long as I had him I was never going to be alone.

"Nothing, I just really missed you," I replied.

"How's the job going?" He asked.

I wasn't going to lie to my own father and tell him that everything was perfect, but I couldn't tell him that I was feeling horrible either. He would have worried too much about me and asked me to go back home, which was something I was not going to do. I was not going to give up on the Walkers. 

"It's going," I replied. "It's just really hard dad. It's hard being away from you, and finding myself in a family that isn't mine. It's like I don't belong," I confessed.

After Ethan had told me that I wasn't a part of their family it really hurt. It was true, I wasn't, but he made me feel like I didn't belong there.

"Where is all this coming from?" He asked, sounding slightly worried.

"Nowhere dad, don't worry about it," I reassured him. I didn't want him to worry about me.

"Well kid, remember, I may not be there with you, but your mom is," he said, making me smile slightly.

He never got tired of telling me that my mom was always going to be watching me from above, never leaving me alone. That she was my guardian angel.

"Yeah, I know. She'll always be here. I just wish she was actually here sometimes. I feel so lonely without her," I told him, feeling a small pang in my chest.

"Don't think about that right now. You're in a house filled with a lot of people, you shouldn't be lonely. Besides, I'm always going to be one call away," he said, trying to make me feel better.

It was true, I was in a house filled with a bunch of people, but that didn't mean I couldn't feel alone. I wasn't even seventeen yet. I didn't feel capable of taking care of all those kids on my own.

"You're right dad, thank you for that. I love you," I said, blowing him a kiss through the phone before hanging up.

I was glad that I talked to my father. He may not have been perfect, but he was always willing to help me. He always made sure to tell me stuff to make me feel better, even if maybe he was feeling broken down himself, and I was so grateful for that.

"I didn't know you felt like you didn't fit in," Ethan said, coming into my room, making me jump in fright.

"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked, slightly mad and embarrassed that he probably heard the entire conversation I had just had with my dad.

"My room is right across yours, it's not my fault you decided to leave the door open while talking on the phone," he said, making my cheeks burn bright red as soon as I realised that he was in fact right.

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