18. No point

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Chapter 18: No point

Kelsey's POV


It had been a couple of days since the day Ethan and I kissed. Everything was so awkward between us ever since it happened, we hadn't even been able to talk about it.

After he kissed me, Ethan just said sorry and walked out, leaving me standing there not able to understand what had just happened.

Every time we saw each other after that we just walked the other way, each trying to avoid the other and I didn't like that. I wanted Ethan and I to be friends again and not act all weird and pretend like the other didn't exist.

After five days of just ignoring each other's existence, I had finally built up the courage to go talk to him.

I went up to his room and knocked on the door, waiting for him to open. As soon as the door opened I was greeted with a shirtless Ethan.

Does this boy not own any shirts? Why is he always half naked whenever I see him around the house?

Not that I didn't enjoy it.

"Hi," I said, looking at the floor to try and avoid his gaze. "I think we need to talk."

"Yeah, we do," he said, taking a deep breath. "Come on in," he continued, opening his door wider so that I could go in.

After I entered the room he closed the door and walked over to me, sitting down on his bed.

I sat down next to him and looked around me for a bit to try and figure out what to say to him.

I should have probably thought about what I was going to say before actually showing up in his room without an invitation.

Way to go Kelsey.

"Look, I'm sorry for having ignored you for the past couple of days," Ethan started off as if he realized my dilemma.

"I'm really sorry too Ethan, I don't want us to just keep ignoring each other for the rest of the summer," I said. "Plus it's really hard to ignore someone who lives in the same house as you," I continued to try and lighten things up, earning a slight laugh from Ethan.

He stood up and walked around a bit before deciding to speak.

"I just felt like a coward when I just left you standing there after what happened," he said, finally looking at me again. "I kissed you and then just ran."

It must have been so humiliating for him to just kiss me and then leave without a word and act like it never even happened.

"Why did you just leave like that?" I asked after failing to figure out a reason myself of why he would do that.

Was it because of me?

"I like you Kelsey," he said, catching me by surprise at his bluntness. "I like you, and then I got caught up in the moment and kissed you and I was afraid of how you would react and so I just thought that it would have been better to just leave," he explained.

"You like me?" I asked, feeling stupid for not having realised it before. "As in, truly like me?"

Maybe I had realised it before, but I was too stupid to actually allow myself to believe it. I didn't think it could be possible. After he told me that he was just trying to figure out his feelings, I was so convinced that he would find out that he didn't like me that way after all. 

Who would even like me?

Why would he like me? 

"Of course I do Kels. You're so beautiful and funny, and you're so amazing with my siblings. How could you not realize that I like you?" He asked.

Babysitting the Bad Boy's Family ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz