59. I'll always love you

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-There will be bonus chapters after this last chapter-

Chapter 59: I'll always love you 

Kelsey's POV


A permanent smile seemed to have been stuck to my face after my talk with Ethan. I was glad that I followed my heart and decided to let him explain. I would have never realised how much he truly still loved me if I hadn't, and I would have blamed him for something he wasn't even guilty of.

It didn't come as a surprise that somebody could try and sabotage my relationship with Ethan, especially not after Jenna and Zack had already attempted to do that. A lot of girls at our school were smitten by Ethan, and a lot of them wanted him to give them some form of attention. It was evident that somebody like Bella, who always got what she wanted, would try to do so even at the expense of somebody else's happiness. 

Shaking that angering thought out of my head, I walked towards Meg and Jake, who seemed to be engaged in a heated argument. 

"It's your fault!" Meg said, pointing an accusing finger at Jake. 

"How is it my fault?" He asked, flailing his arms around. 

"You're the one who-Kelsey, you're here!" Meg said as soon as I sat down next to them, both of their heads snapping towards me as they stopped arguing, their eyes widening as soon as they saw me there. "I was so worried about you. Where were you?" She asked me as she wrapped her arms around me tightly. 

"I bumped into Ethan," I said with a shrug, making Meg and Jake's mouths widen in disbelief. 

"And? Did he explain?" She asked as I nodded my head. "Good explanation or bad?" 

I could tell that she was weary of what to say, careful as to not say the wrong things. Meg was owed a huge explanation from me, and I knew that she was probably confused at seeing me sitting there with a smile on my face after I had been bawling my eyes out only moments before. 

"Good," I replied honestly, a wider grin forming on my face. 

"See, I told you!" Jake said. "Ethan would never do anything like that, especially not when I had to constantly beg him to get out of the house," he continued, wanting to back up his point.  

"Guys, stop arguing," I said, feeling bad that they were getting into an argument just because of me.

Jake was Ethan's best friend, and it was obvious that he would always stand up for him when he feels like his best friend deserves it, just like what Meg would do for me. I didn't want this entire misunderstanding with Ethan to cause a rift in their relationship. We were all friends, and it pained me to know that if Bella had ended up succeeding, she would not only have caused a quarrel between Ethan and I, but even possibly between Jake and Meg, who certainly did not deserve to be dragged into any of it.  

"I'm sorry Kelsey, I should have let you see Ethan this morning," Jake guiltily said, his lips forming into a frown. 

I smiled at him as I shook my head, not wanting him to feel bad because of it. He was trying to do something nice for his best friend, and it wasn't his fault if it was going to go wrong. It wasn't any of our faults. 

"It's okay, honestly. Everything's okay now," I replied in all honesty, hoping to make him feel better. 

He nodded and opened his mouth, about to say something, before he was interrupted by somebody squealing my name. My eyes filled with tears as I looked towards the direction of the voice, only to see Ethan's parents along with the kids. I could feel a lump forming in my throat as they all stood there, their eyes brimming with tears as they all ran up to hug me. 

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