43. Trouble in paradise

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Chapter 43: Trouble in paradise

Kelsey's POV


The day after my birthday, I woke up early to make them all breakfast. I felt like they deserved that after everything they had done for me the previous day, and I knew that if I were to wake up slightly later, Ethan would have beaten me to it. For once I wanted him to wake up and find food ready, and not feel like he had to cook it himself for everybody else.

It wasn't long before Noah strolled in the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before sneaking a glance into the pan, wondering what I was cooking. His eyes shone as he caught a glimpse of the peanut butter, banana smoothie in the blender beside me, and I could swear to have seen his mouth water as he realised that I was making them an egg, bacon, sausage muffin.

"You are the absolute greatest," he said, stealing a bacon from the pan and earning a glare from me.

"And that bacon you just stole means one less in your bread," I replied, pointing the tongs at his chest as he let out a chuckle, removing a strand of hair from in front of his face before walking up to the cupboards and taking out the plates and utensils.

A glimpse towards Noah reminded me that there was an interesting conversation he and I needed to have, regarding his new relationship status with the person whom I considered as my own younger sister.

"The party was great yesterday, huh?" I asked, wanting to ease him into the conversation.

He looked at me with a smile, his eyes sparkling as he nodded in agreement. I smiled as I noticed how happy he looked, the gorgeous smile that reached his eyes, crinkling their sides. He hadn't worn that smile for days, certainly not when Zack was around, but there was also a new glow in him one which he hadn't possessed before, and which I was certain had to do with a certain brown haired girl.

"Let's cut to the chase here," I said before turning off the hob and turning around to look at him, my back leaning against the counter. "I believe you owe me a sweet little story," I said with a grin as his face turned red, his gaze shifting to the ground.

He looked at me again, an embarrassed smile on his lips before he bit his bottom lip. "Okay, how about, you take me for an ice-cream, and I tell you everything you need to know," he smirked making me roll my eyes at his bribe.

"Deal," I said right as Ethan walked into the kitchen, looking between Noah and I suspiciously before walking towards me for a kiss.

"Hmm, what are you two up to?" Ethan asked, raising his eyebrows, the left side of his mouth twitching upwards.

"Oh, you know, just me and your girlfriend going out for ice-cream together," Noah teased, sticking his tongue out at his brother who had just let out an overly dramatic gasp, his hand flying up to where his heart was.

"Are you cheating on me with my own brother?" He joked, pretending to be offended.

I rolled my eyes at him, before telling him what Noah and I were up to. Wanting to hang out with me, Ethan begged to come with us, an offer which I had to refuse, knowing that someone had to stay with Ellie and Lara while the two of us were gone. After all, Ethan already knew what had happened between Noah and May. The only one who was still in the dark was me.

That was why after breakfast, Noah helped me with the chores, and the two of us set off walking to an ice-cream parlour nearby. I was excited about the fact that I was going to get to know what happened between Noah and May. I loved hearing cute stories like that, especially when it involved two people I cared about so dearly.

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