47. Last date

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Chapter 47: Last date

Kelsey's POV


Two weeks had passed since Ethan, Noah, and Meg found out that I was moving. I had every chance in the world to tell Lara and Ellie that I was moving in those two weeks, but I could not get myself to it. Every time they looked at me with their beautiful big eyes, and the big smiles on their faces, the courage I would have given myself to tell them about it all quickly dissipated. 

"You have to tell them Kelsey, it's been two weeks you can't hide it from them," Ethan told me as I talked to him about my dilemma. 

"But they'll be so upset. I'm a monster," I pouted. The thought of upsetting those two angels hurt me. They had done so much to keep me with them when their mother was mad at me, and I knew that they wouldn't have taken the news of me moving so well.  

"You're not a monster," Ethan chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Princess, when are you planning on telling them? When you're off to New York? Send them a letter?" He asked, his voice becoming sadder as soon as he mentioned New York.

Ever since I told him about my move, he had been trying to spend as much time as possible with me. Neither of us wanted to accept the fact that we were going to be miles away from each other, and that there was the chance of us not getting to see each other again except for some holidays. Most of all, neither of us wanted to accept the fact that we would have to break up once it was time for me to leave. 

We had talked about it a lot, and despite neither of us wanting to, we realised that the best thing to do was to break up. It was going to be hard being together when we wouldn't even have time to see each other, and thought that it would be better to end things on good terms now, than do it on bad terms later when we feel like our relationship is degrading. 

"Yeah, you're right," I sighed before we both went downstairs to the living room, his hand in mine. 

I gulped as I saw both girls watching T.V in the living room, their cute, innocent faces nearly making me choke up again. 

"Girls, Kelsey has something to tell you," Ethan said to get their attention, knowing that I would have never done it on my own.

They both turned to look at me, a smile on each of their faces as I sat down next to them, placing Ellie on my lap as I rested my head on her shoulder, preparing myself for what I was about to say.  

"Of course, what is it Kels?" Lara smiled. 

"Okay, so this is something really difficult for me to say. I love you girls so much and you've become so important to me," I said, easing them into the conversation. 

"Aww, we love you too," Ellie said as she cuddled into me. 

"Thank you baby," I told her before continuing with what I had to say. "Okay my little cuties. So my daddy found a job, but this job is in New York, and I can't leave my daddy alone, so I have to move there with him," I said, ripping off the band aid. 

Both of their heads snapped up to look into my eyes, searching for whatever answer they wanted. I sat there and watched as they looked at each other and their eyes widened, both of them getting up from the couch and turning to look directly at me.

"What?" Ellie asked in shock. 

"No, please tell me this is a joke. Ethan?" Lara said turning to her brother, her eyes full of tears which started streaming down as soon as Ethan shifted his gaze to the floor, not even he being able to look his sister in the eyes. 

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