35. Finally found my mother

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Chapter 35: Finally found my mother

Kelsey's POV


I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and sausages being cooked, the scent practically dragging me down to the kitchen as my stomach started rumbling. 

"Good morning Ethan," I said as I went down into the kitchen, only to find him cooking breakfast again.

"Morning princess," he said with a smile as soon as his eyes landed on me. 

"I know Ellie said she likes your food better but cooking breakfast is my job," I said, not wanting him to work more than he had to. 

I was starting to enjoy the split work between Ethan and I, but I was starting to feel guilty about getting paid for a job which I wasn't even doing on my own. The Walkers hired me because they didn't know if they could trust Ethan with the job, who would have been working for free, and yet there he was, practically working harder than I was. 

The more time passed, the less I understood the lack of faith his parents had in him. I couldn't have asked for a better partner when it came to babysitting, and I wished that there could have been a way for his parents to know that. It was evident that Ethan wasn't appreciated enough, and that hurt me. 

"But you work too much, I wanted to do something nice for my girlf- g-girl bestfriend," he said, his face turning red as soon as he realised what he was about to say.

I could feel my stomach churn at the fact that he had nearly called me his girlfriend. After the previous day it was very clear that Ethan and I were more than just best friends, yet neither one of us wanted to make a step forward just yet. He knew that I wasn't yet ready, and that I still needed to find myself before jumping into a relationship. He seemed to respect that, something which I appreciated a lot. 

If I was being honest with myself, I knew that ever since Ethan became a recurring figure in my life, I could see just how much I was learning from him. I had done things which I wouldn't have even dreamed of doing before, and I also started seeing myself in a new light. My confidence was being boosted time and time again, and not just by Ethan. The respect that all of the Walker kids showed me was enough to make me see that maybe I was worth a lot more than I had previously thought. 

"Alright then, if you want to do something nice for me, could you maybe look after the kids for a while? There's something I really have to do," I said as I started making toast for everyone, knowing just how much they all loved it.

"Yeah sure, but if I do that, you have to tell my mom that I'm not as irresponsible as she thinks," he replied, making me smile. I was already planning on doing so, even without having him take care of the kids for a couple of hours.

"If everyone is still alive when I come back I will," I joked, making him roll his eyes before letting out a laugh. 

"Don't worry, they're gonna be alive. You're going to be able to see first hand just what an amazing dad I could be one day, you know, if you're interested," he winked. 

"In your dreams," I choked, his words making me swallow my toast badly, leaving me gasping for air. 

"Dang it, I thought you were gonna say yes," he pouted. "After all, you did say you liked me."

"Whatever," I replied with a roll of the eyes as he smirked. I was no longer ashamed of letting him know about my feelings for him. It was already enough for him to be waiting for me, and I didn't want him thinking that it was all for nothing. My feelings for him were real, and I couldn't wait for the day where I would allow myself to act upon them. 

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