49. You'll never be alone

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Chapter  49: You'll never be alone

Kelsey's POV


I nearly squealed with joy as soon as the doorbell rang, my father's voice confirming that Ethan had arrived as he opened the door for him. Ethan and I didn't have a lot of time left with one another, and even a couple of minutes away from him left me with a heavy feeling in my chest as I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could before having to move. 

I walked towards the front door, and smiled as soon as I saw Ethan standing there, talking to my father. "Hello beautiful." Ethan said, his eyes brightening as soon as he caught sight of me, making my heart swell with affection.

"Hi," I replied as he came up to hug me, his scent making me I reply, moving slightly so he could step inside.

"So how can I help?" He asked as the three of us walked into the living room.

"Why don't you two go get started on Kelsey's room?" My dad asked us with a small smile.

"You sure you don't need any help dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, you two go," he said as I nodded. "Keep the door open at all times," my dad yelled with a smile of amusement on his face as we started climbing the stairs, making my cheeks burn bright red while I sent a glare his way.

There was no reason for him to try and embarrass me on the last days I had with Ethan. I was an awkward person, and I could feel myself getting tense after he said those words. I cleared my throat as I opened the door to my room, which I hadn't been in for about three months.

It had lilac walls with plenty of pictures on the wall, as well as a couple of posters of my favourite bands and singers. My double sized bed stood in the middle of the room just like it always had, and on the other side of the wall I had the desk which dad had made for me when I was eleven, and the light pink chair decorated with red flowers on the back which my mom had gotten me for my third birthday. That chair was the last gift my mother gave me when she was still alive, and it meant a lot more to me than anybody who saw it could ever realise.

"Wow, your room is cute," Ethan chuckled as he stepped in and took a good look around. I could tell that he was messing with me, probably finding my room as being too childish for somebody my age, but I couldn't care less. I loved it just the way it was.

"Thanks," I simply replied as I placed a box on my bed and started taking down the photos from my wall-photos which had been there for years.

"These photos are beautiful, there are so many of them," Ethan said, looking around.

"Yeah, my mom and dad loved taking photos. They both met at some photography class, and they got me my first camera when I was two, which I couldn't even hold properly," I said smiling at the memory.

I still remembered the day my father showed me the recording of it. It was amazing to hear my mother's voice, and her laugh at my actions. I often found myself replaying it after that first day, wanting to memorise my mother's voice so that it never disappears from my brain.

I took a break from taking down my photos and took a step back, wanting to take one final look around me. Removing the photos from the wall seemed like something so final for me, and I found the move hitting me even more as I was emptying my room. Days were spent trying to find the perfect spot for each photo and poster, and having to take all of them down seemed like a chapter of my life closing indefinitely.

"Kelsey," Ethan sighed as he made his way towards me, his arms wrapping around my waist as he brought me closer to him. "This is going to be a great experience for you. You're going to a new country, meet new people, make new memories," he said, staring directly at me with broken eyes trying to be masked by false happiness.

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