36. Tell her

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Chapter 36: Tell her

Ethan's POV


"Didn't Kelsey put you in charge? Why do I have to take care of them?" Jake asked as soon as I explained to him why I called him over, something which he clearly wasn't happy about.

"Yes, she did, but I need to go do something with Noah and Meg real quick. It won't take long, I promise, and my sisters love you, so please," I begged my best friend, hoping that he would say yes.

It was Kelsey's birthday the next day, and the only chance I had to go and buy her a present was when she wasn't there. I knew that she would have found it suspicious if I ever randomly went out with Noah and Meg without her, and knowing Kelsey as well as I did, I knew that she would have been annoyed at the fact that I was going to be spending money on her.

Kelsey wasn't quite like any other girl I had spent time with. She was real, and genuine, and she was also too proud for her own sake. I noticed that she was never one to ask for help unless someone offers, which was why I had been cooking breakfast for everyone out of my accord. I knew that she would have said no if I had actually asked her to allow me to help. Her birthday was supposed to be an important day for her, and I wanted to give her something special, to remind her just how much she meant to me.

"Alright, fine," he sighed. "But only because I love them."

I smiled at him, grateful that I had a friend which I could rely on. I gave him a quick fist bump before thanking him for helping me out, and then carried on to call Noah to get down from upstairs so that we could get going.

"Why can't I come Ethan?" Lara asked as she came in the room with a pout on her face.

"Because you can't. Stay here with Jake, I won't take long baby," I replied as I knelt down next to her before giving her a peck on her chubby cheeks, making her giggle.

"Fine, but you better buy me something pretty," she said with a huff before turning around and walking away from me.

I laughed at her reaction, knowing that I would certainly miss my little Lara when she grew up. I remembered when Noah was her age, and he would always come in to my room, curious as to what I was doing. It wasn't long before he grew up in to the man he was becoming in to, and whenever I gave myself enough time to think about it, I found myself getting nostalgic.

As soon as Noah was ready, I told the kids that I was heading out, and met up with Meg outside my house before driving to the mall.

"Okay, so why exactly do we have to buy a locket for Kelsey?" Noah asked, breaking the silence that had swallowed us, not counting the faint music coming out of the speakers.

"Because, it's her birthday tomorrow, and I want to give her a present. She told me that she's always wanted one so I'm getting her one," I replied.

I knew that what Kelsey actually wanted was her mother's locket, something which, unfortunately, I was unable to give her. Despite knowing that, I still wanted to find her her own locket, one which I could personalise especially for her. The thought of giving her a gift like that filled me with joy. She had done so much for me, and she was always trying to cheer me up whenever I was down. I had never been as happy as I was whenever she was around, and I wanted to thank her for all of that. For once, I wanted to be the one to make her happy.

It wasn't difficult to find a parking spot, and we were inside the mall quicker than I could have imagined. There were quite a couple of stores which I wanted to visit, hoping that I would be able to find just what I was looking for. Five jewellery stores in, I had not yet been able to find the perfect locket for my Kelsey. I started giving up with every store that we visited, and sincerely hoped that we could find one in that store.

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