29. Rushing back

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Chapter  29: Rushing back

Ethan's POV


The look on Kelsey's face as I snapped was killing me inside. I hated myself for acting so harshly, but I was hurt. I wanted to be alone, and I didn't want to see their faces in front go me. Hearing her telling Zack that she would kiss him felt like someone was stabbing me in the heart with a dagger, and I couldn't help but feel betrayed.

"Ethan are you alright?" Noah asked with a sigh, knocking on my bedroom door as he slowly got in, as if he was expecting me to lash out at him. I looked at him, my eyes feeling heavy as a lump started forming in my throat. "I Knew this wasn't a good idea," he said as soon as he caught a good look at my face, engulfing me in a hug-and for the first time in months, I cried.

It was not a tiny tear like the one that came out when I was telling Kelsey about Zack and Bradley, but a huge sob session as my chest felt heavy. Pain always seemed stronger to me whenever I cried, but it was also a means of relief whenever I felt helpless-much like in that moment.

Zack took away the only happiness in my life. I knew it was just a kiss, and I didn't know what actually happened before that, but the fact that my cousin, the one person that did so much to hurt me, kissed the girl I swore to myself wouldn't kiss anybody else but me, was too much. I liked Kelsey. Heck, I was already on the road of falling in love with her, and all of it hurt. It hurt a lot.

"Ethan, you're not going to let Kelsey go without letting her explain are you?" Noah asked, his face full of concern.

"No Noah, of course not, but it still hurt to see her kiss him. It drove me crazy."

He could have kissed anyone he wanted. He could have even kissed my mom and I wouldn't have cared this much-Not really, but I was annoyed.

"Eth, when she comes back just let her explain. She's Kelsey, our Kelsey. The girl you have been crushing on since I was like what? Five years old? You can't lose her again Ethan," Noah said, making me sigh.

He was right. I had had a crush on her for the longest time, and I wasn't going to let Zack win and take her away from me. With that being said, I also couldn't bear anymore heartaches.

"I want to let her explain Noah, and I most probably will, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid she would say something that will break me," I confessed.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day when Ethan Walker loses his mind over a girl," Noah said. "And don't you dare try to deny it," he continued before I could even get one word out.

I chuckled as I dropped my gaze. I couldn't deny something that was truthful. No matter how much I wished to be able to say that I was completely sane and that Kelsey hadn't affected me one bit, I just couldn't. Ever since she entered my life once more, everything was so much different.

"I'm not denying it. You're right Noah, you have been right all along. The feelings I once had for Kelsey all came rushing back, even stronger this time, and I don't know what to do about it. The thought of losing her drives me crazy. It gives me a feeling that I hate and I don't want that" I confessed.

It felt good to finally let it out and tell someone whom I trusted completely. All I hoped was that Zack didn't manage to take Kelsey away from me forever.


A/N: Hello my lovelies, I know that this chapter is a short one, and I am really sorry about that. I needed Ethan to have a short POV because some of the information which we find out in this chapter is crucial for the rest of the book, and so I couldn't just NOT let him say it. 

I hope you guys understand, 



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