10. Happy

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Chapter 10: Happy

Ethan's POV


After taking a cold shower, I decided to just lock myself in my room and listen to some music. I didn't know what got in to me earlier or what was happening to me with Kelsey around. She hadn't been there for long, but she had already impacted me in ways I never considered possible.

I couldn't stand her at first. I felt like my parents trusted complete strangers and not me, and I couldn't stand that at all. But after the talk we had on Friday, it felt like for once I had someone who understood me and who wasn't going to judge me.

I didn't actually hate her, I just hated how my parents wouldn't trust me. It had nothing to do with Kelsey at all.

No one had ever managed to make me crack and help around the house, but doing all of that work with Kelsey was actually fun. She was always so happy, it had become contagious. Every time we washed the dishes together we ended up having a small water fight and sometimes we even talked about the craziest of things, which honestly made everything so much fun. I loved having her around, and even if our relationship was complicated, I still felt like I could tell her anything, like everything was different when she was around.

The day I heard her say that she thought I didn't really want to be her friend hurt me. I managed to make her consider me as a friend, yet every time someone asked us if we were together she acted too cold, like us being together would actually be a bad thing.

It didn't mean that I had any feelings for her, or so I thought, but I was pretty sure that if we ever dated it wouldn't have been so bad.

Maybe it would have been even fun.

I was even more mad when Aaron showed up acting like he was her boyfriend again. He moved and left her heart broken. The entire school knew about it. Then he came back and expected things to go back to the way they were.

Maybe they did have a history together, but they were obviously not together anymore.

On the other hand, I shouldn't have left them to hang out with Anna. I couldn't even understand what happened to me whenever Kelsey was around me. I felt like I had to protect her from Aaron hurting her again.

A knock at the door suddenly interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Go away," I said, stuffing my face into a pillow.

I was too ashamed to even talk to anyone. I had acted so immaturely, no wonder Kelsey thought that I was a jerk.

"Eth let me in, please," I heard Noah begging from outside the door.

I huffed in defeat and walked towards the door, unlocking it. "What do you want Noah?" I asked, walking back towards my bed and flopping on it.

"I wanted to talk to you," he said, closing the door behind him and walking towards my bed, sitting on it.

"What about?" I asked, getting up and sitting beside him.

"You," he simply said.

"Okay, what about me?" I asked, not liking where this conversation was going. I hated it when people wanted to talk about me all of a sudden.

Why could no one ever leave me in peace?

"What's wrong with you Ethan? One second you're fine then the next you're almost making out with some girl," Noah started, looking at me with that disappointed look on his face that I was too familiar with and that I hated with a passion.

By the way he looked at me, he acted as if he was the older brother, and not me. What annoyed me most was that I knew that he was more mature than I was, and I couldn't stand that.

"I don't know," I huffed.

"Were you jealous of Kelsey's ex boyfriend? Because it sure looked like it," he said, catching me by surprise.

Was I jealous?

"Me? Ethan Walker, jealous of some guy?" I said letting out a small chuckle. "Never, in fact, I bet he wishes I was jealous of him," I cockily replied with a smirk, shaking my head.

My smile soon vanished upon seeing Noah's unamused look. "Ethan, be honest with me, I'm your brother. You're falling for Kelsey and you know it." That question hit me like a truck. Where did it even come from? I loved hanging around Kelsey, but it was too soon to be falling for her.

"What makes you think that?" I asked, suddenly getting serious.

"I told you Eth, I'm your brother. I know you. Ever since she got here you've changed, and not in a bad way. You're always cheery and you help around in the house. When has Ethan Walker ever helped in chores?" Noah said with a light chuckle. "You might not want to accept it because we both know what happened the last time you liked someone, but I saw what she's done to you and no one has ever affected you that much."

Everything he said made sense but it didn't mean that he was right. There were a lot of reasons as to why I could have changed. It didn't mean that I actually had feelings for Kelsey. It couldn't be right.

I didn't want him to be right.

"I don't know Noah, all I know is that having Kelsey around makes me feel happy, it makes me better and I just feel like I can trust her. She doesn't treat me like THE Ethan Walker, popular, hot boy. She just treats me like me, Ethan Walker. Basketball player, joke loving Ethan Walker. She's never afraid to say what's on her mind even if it's hard, and even if it means killing my huge ego. I just like having her around me," I replied honestly. "She's always really good at giving me a reality check from time to time," I admitted.

I didn't want to lie to Noah. He was my brother and he knew me more than anybody else. Despite not knowing where all that came from, I knew that it was nothing but the truth.

"She's pretty mad at you right now though," Noah said. "And frankly, I should be too. I think it's unfair how you let that girl say those things about us, and Kelsey."

His face suddenly dropped at the memory, making me feel worse than I already had been. I never meant to hurt anyone, it just happened.

"Noah, I'm so sorry, after you two left I told her to never talk about you guys like that again, I promise. She got mad, but I was the one who should have been getting mad, not her," I said.

No matter how beautiful she was, I would never allow anyone to say those things about my family, and about one of the nicest people I had ever met.

"Well, Kelsey doesn't know that. She has been in a bad mood ever since we got back from the beach. She's not her usual bubbly self, I think you should get over yourself and just talk to her," Noah said, starting to get up and walking towards the door.

"Don't ruin it Ethan, you can't lose her. She makes you so happy."

"Since when did you become so wise?" I said, throwing a pillow at him and smiling.

He caught the pillow and threw it back at me before smiling back and shrugging. I didn't want to admit it, but Noah was right. I didn't know what I actually felt for Kelsey, but I did know that I needed her in my life. I wanted her in it.

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