40. First date

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Chapter 40: First date

Kelsey's POV


I woke up on the day of my birthday to the feel of someone planting a soft kiss on my forehead. My eyes fluttered open as I could feel my bed dip, revealing Ethan sitting on my bed, wearing a cute smile. 

"Happy birthday baby girl," he said.

"Good morning," I said as I stretched my arms out, wanting to fully wake myself to be able to enjoy my boyfriend's presence. 

Boyfriend. That word sounded so foreign, and yet so perfect. I could certainly get used to calling him that way. It was going to have to take me a while to wrap my head around the fact that after going through so much, Ethan and I were finally together. 

"I brought you some breakfast," he said, my eyes suddenly travelling to the large tray he was holding in his hands, asking myself how it was possible for me to not notice it earlier.  

"You didn't have to," I said with a grin whilst sitting up against my head board properly, giving Ethan the possibility to place the tray on my legs before giving me a quick peck on the lips. 

"Anything for my princess," he replied, making my cheeks heat up slightly. I was so used to words like that coming out of Ethan's mouth, but they hit differently knowing that we were actually in a relationship. They sounded more intimate in a way. "We're also going on a date tonight at around seven, wear something comfortable," he winked before he heading out of my room, leaving me with my mouth slightly parted in disbelief at how unpredictable yet amazing he was. 

I never thought that I would say it, but I couldn't wait for my date with him. Everything had been so much brighter since we got together, much better than I could have ever imagined it would be. I couldn't quite explain it, but there's always that wonderful feeling you get when someone loves you back, and treats you the way you should be treated-making you feel happier than you ever had. He understood that I didn't want to rush into anything, and even if we were together, he was still giving me the space I needed, something which I admired a lot about him. He made me happy, very happy. 


As soon as Meg heard about my date with Ethan, she quickly added Leah to our call and decided that they were taking me to the mall to help me find an outfit to wear. They had already wanted to hang out with me for my birthday, and as soon as Meg heard the word 'date', she instantly decided to spoil me and buy me clothes as a birthday present, Leah quickly following suit. I tried my best to persuade them that I didn't want them buying me anything, but it was to no use. 

I didn't need clothes as a birthday present from them, because they had already given me the best one. The fact that Meg decided to give Leah a chance made me truly happy, it felt as if we were all back to how we initially were, and no birthday present from them could ever top that. It took a while for Meg to think about it, but after realising just how hard Leah was trying, she decided to put everything in the past and give her another chance. 

What I didn't miss about the two of them together, however, was how obsessed they were with shopping. They would always need to visit every single shop, trying on nearly everything. Two minutes in the first store, and my hands had already been filled with countless outfits which they thought would look good on me. 

"Guys, I have lots of clothes, I really don't need any new ones," I whined as they kept dragging me around the store, wanting to see if there was anything else they could find me, as if I didn't already have enough in my arms.  

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