20. Fix her

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Chapter 20. Fix her

Ethan's POV


Was it bad that I felt jealous of Noah's relationship with Kelsey?

I wished I could have been the one she trusted with anything and everything. I wished she would laugh with me as much as she laughed with Noah. I didn't know why I was feeling that way. I knew that there could never be a romantic relationship between them, but I was still jealous of their friendship.

I wanted to be the one responsible for her happiness, and for her smile, and for her laugh but instead, I was responsible for her sadness, and I couldn't have felt worse.

I could have had that.

It was my fault after all. I was the one who made her think that I couldn't stand being around her, and she was making sure that I didn't have to.

The day I kissed Kelsey was so much different than I had planned. I was scared. I had never been that scared after kissing a girl. Then when she rejected me, I was hurt. I felt like she didn't want me and I felt humiliated that she rejected me after finally having mustered up the courage to tell her how I felt.

It hurt me that she said she liked me but that she didn't want to be with me. It made me scared that she was judging me about my past. Yet as time went by and I got to thinking, I realised that maybe that wasn't exactly what had happened. 

A part of me was also jealous. With Aaron coming back and her acting so nice to him. He was her ex for God's sake! He hurt her and she was so sweet with him.

But I was wrong to be jealous. Kelsey was really sweet and kind, she could never stay mad at a person who tried to be nice with her. It was when you didn't try where she snapped.

I should have never reacted the way I did. She didn't deserve it. She was not selfish, let along annoying and a burden.

"Ethan, we need to talk," Ellie and Lara said in unison, snapping me away from my thoughts.

"Hey girls what's up?" I asked as they both sat next to me, leaving me in the middle of them.

"What's up is that we don't want anymore frowny faces on our pancakes!" Ellie angrily said.

I looked at them in confusion. I had no idea what on earth they were talking about.

"Don't mind her," Lara said, sending Ellie a glare.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their cuteness. Everything was so much easier at their age.

Almost everything.

"We wanted to tell you that we don't like that you hurt Kelsey," Lara said.

"How do you know that?" I asked, shocked that they even knew that.

Lara gave me an 'are you serious' look before speaking.

"Please Ethan, you two have been upset for days, and considering how happy Kelsey always I,s something must have happened," Lara said.

Hearing those words hurt me more than I thought. Lara was right, Kelsey was always so happy and I went ahead and broke her.

"What on earth can I do? She's not even talking to me right now," I said in frustration.

I wanted to make things better, but I didn't know how on earth to do so.

"Fix her," Ellie said before the both of them hopped off the couch and left.

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