17. Indescribable feeling

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17. Indescribable feeling

Kelsey's POV


Everything went on great after the talk I had with Ethan. He even helped me with some of the chores like he used to do before. He was really great at acting like all of that stuff didn't happen, especially in front of the girls.

With Meg and Noah gone, I thought that I would have felt alone, but Ethan somehow made it all better.

Sadly, that day wasn't going to be one of those amazing days when I felt like smiling from cheek to cheek.


It was that time of month where mother nature kindly decided to prove to me that I was not pregnant.

Mother nature even woke me up with huge pain in my back and huge cramps. Including a gigantic headache.

I tried to ignore the pain and cook breakfast for everyone like usual, but I couldn't do it. I fell on the floor, crying in pain and unable to get myself back up again.

"Kels, hey what's wrong?" Ethan asked, picking me up bridal style, concern evident in his voice.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I lied, my trembling voice giving me away.

He looked at me softly with worry in his eyes. "Kelsey, you're not fine, this does not look like fine. Let me take you to your room okay?" He gently said.

I nodded and he started walking towards the stairs.

I let him carry me upstairs to my room, laying me down on my bed and putting the covers on me.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong? Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked, looking sincerely worried about me, making my heart tighten.

I found it really sweet how worried he looked.

"No Ethan, it's fine. It's just that mother nature decided to pay me a visit," I tried to explain.

It was awkward for me to admit. I had always found it difficult to tell my dad, let along Ethan.

"You could have just said so before giving me a panic attack," he replied letting out a loud sigh.

"You didn't give me a chance to," I replied with a small chuckle.

He looked at me softly, smiling slightly.

"Okay, well I think mom has some kind of medicine you mix with water to numb the pain, she said it works miracles," he said. "I'll go bring you some," he continued before running downstairs.

If I wasn't in so much pain I would have been swooning at how cute and caring Ethan was acting. Not even my dad ever acted that way.  

"Here," Ethan said handing me a cup of water and the small packet as soon as he returned to my room.

"These aren't drugs are they?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him, half of me joking while the other half being completely and utterly serious.

It wasn't difficult to figure out that I had trust issues.

"Oh yeah, definitely," he sarcastically said making me laugh.

But when it came to Ethan, I knew that I could trust him.

"Thanks," I said after emptying the cup, cringing slightly as soon as the aftertaste kicked in.

"It's no problem. Now you stay here and rest, do you have any uhm..you know..?" he said scratching the back of his neck, something he always did when he got nervous or embarrassed.

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