39. I'm sorry

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Chapter 39: I'm sorry

Kelsey's POV


I sat there on the cold grass, hugging my knees whilst I was lost in my thoughts. I hurt Ethan once again, exactly on the day he wanted to express his love for me. I was always one to ruin everything, and I hated that about myself. It was stupid of me not to notice how he truly felt about me. He had made it clear that he loved me on so many occasions, and yet I decided to remain blind of it all.

I couldn't believe that somebody could love me, so I just chose to refuse it. The difference in that moment was that I couldn't refuse it. He had put it in letter, on a necklace which he wanted me to wear. I never thought that I could be so happy knowing that he loved me, but I was, and I was because I felt exactly the same way he did, the only difference was that it took me far longer to realise it.

"Princess." Ethan's voice broke me out of my thoughts, and I looked behind me to see whether the voice was all in my head, or if he was truly there. My heart stopped as I saw him standing there, his eyes red and puffy with his hair so attractively messed up. "Noah told me you'd be here," he said as he sat down beside me, looking straight ahead of him.

"Yeah, I needed a place to think, and the lake my mother used to bring me to was kind of the best option," I said, earning a small smile from him.

"If you remember correctly, it's also the lake where we had that great reconciliation night," he said with a dimpled grin, making me smile.

If I was going to be honest with myself, I actually went there because of that fond memory I had with Ethan, and also because it was a greatly peaceful place where I spent some of the best childhood times.

"Thank you, for the locket. No one has ever done so much for me," I told him truthfully after a moment of silence, wanting him to know that I did appreciate his present, even if my dad had already beaten him to it.

"It was no problem. Okay, maybe it was a little bit because it took me forever to find the perfect one, and it has a 'K' on it so it was like made for you," he blabbered, seemingly getting flustered.

I found myself smiling at the cuteness of the boy in front of me. He never ceased to amaze me, and I never got tired of just sitting back and admiring the person he had become. I found myself pitying the people who would never get the opportunity to know him like I had. Ethan was a great asset to people's lives, and I was glad that he had stumbled straight into mine.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions," he said with a sigh. "I shouldn't have assumed that it was Aaron's. I've been rejected so many times by you that my mind simply did it for you this time," he said with a slight chuckle, wanting to lighten the mood.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have told you it was my mom's from the start, it would have prevented all of the unnecessary fighting," I said, not wanting him to take the full blame for everything that happened.

I was guilty as much as he was. In my head it was evident that he had realised it was my mother's, especially since he had seen the picture of it. If I had told him first and foremost that it was my mother's locket, he would not have thought that Aaron had given it to me to begin with.

"I'm the one who didn't let you finish what you wanted to say," he said, shaking his head. "I feel like an idiot."

I looked at him questioningly, wanting him to expand on what he had just said. He was not an idiot to me. All he did was jump to conclusions, which was something we all were guilty of doing once in a while.

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