52. Alongside one another

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*Pic of New York on top, listen to the song when I tell you to*

Chapter 52: Alongside one another

Kelsey's POV


A week had passed since I moved to New York, and as the first day of school was drawing nearer, I could feel my nerves increasing. I had to start everything all over, with different syllabuses than I was used to, and I was slowly starting to freak out the more I thought about the work I had to do to keep up with everybody else. 

One positive thing about the move to New York was that our temporary house was a really beautiful. A kind person from my dad's new workplace offered it to us free of charge for a short time until we were able to settle down and find a new place for ourselves. 

It was an amazing house, not too big but not small either. It was big enough for me and my dad, with its two floors, a backyard, and a garage. Yet, no matter how beautiful it was, it couldn't compare to my old house, which despite being much smaller contained all of my memories. No house could ever be like that one. 

Sleeping there was becoming really hard, and the dark circles underneath my eyes started becoming more visible. I couldn't stop thinking about my friends back home, and despite knowing that New York had to become my new home, it couldn't. Home was always going to be where my friends were, no exceptions. The only thing that had been able to help me sleep at night was the CD that Ethan gave me, his voice and Noah's helping me sleep. I closed my eyes every time I heard that CD, feeling like they were right there with me, just like they had always been.

Then, I remember that they're not.

Thankfully, I had managed to talk to the Walkers and Meg everyday, but the person I truly wanted to talk to never seemed to be there. Ethan's basketball practice started a couple of days after I landed in New York, not giving us any time to be able to talk to each other. The difference in time zones did not help our situations either, because when it was day time in New York, it was night time back home. To my luck, Ethan always managed to send me a voice message every night before I went to sleep to wish me goodnight, and even if I loved hearing his voice, it was just not the same as having him there with me. 

Everyday I woke up with the fear that he might have found someone else, making him forget all about me. I knew that it was a selfish move from my end, and I hated myself for it, but when you really love someone, you can't really help it. It didn't matter that we were practically best friends-it would still break me to know that there was someone else in his life to make him as happy as I once did, but unlike me, that person would be able to have her forever after with him. 

I would have certainly been happy for him if he ever were to find someone that made his life a little brighter, but the love I felt for him would override that happiness. It's something hard to understand if you never felt it, and that was why I knew I couldn't talk about it with anybody. If someone were to hear my thoughts, they would certainly call me selfish, saying that he deserved to be happy, and even if I would agree with them completely, I would tell them that a heart that loves is a heart that breaks. I was human, it was something greater than I was. 

"Kelsey, I'm going to sign the work contract in an hour. Would you like to join me?" My dad asked as he gently knocked on my door and popped his head inside, breaking me away from my upsetting thoughts. 

"Yeah sure, I have nothing better to do anyways," I replied with a small nod.

I was happy for my father. He was going to start working as a music composer, and I was glad that his talents were finally being discovered. He was very good with music, but every company that could have helped him, did not have enough faith in him. That was exactly what lead him to send his music to a company in New York, who contacted him and asked him if he wanted to compose music for movies. It was a job that payed really well, more than okay, and I was ecstatic that my father was going to get to finally live his dream. 

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