22. Hello Zack

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Chapter 22: Hello Zack

Kelsey's POV


"No you can't just come here," I heard Ethan saying into the phone as I entered the kitchen. "No, you listen to me Zack, I don't want you anywhere near here," he said yet again, his voice getting angrier by the second. He was frowning, his forehead crinkling slightly and his eyebrows creased.

He suddenly let out a loud sigh, rubbing his temples as if he couldn't believe what he was about to say. "Fine. Three days, after they're up you get out of here," he said before roughly hanging up and slamming his phone on the kitchen counter, bringing his hands up to his hair in frustration and messing it up slightly. 

He hadn't seen me yet, lurking in the doorway looking at him like some sort of creep. A part of me feared to interrupt him, scared that he might get angry at me for trespassing in his personal matters. Yet I couldn't help but worry for him, fearing that he could have been in trouble of some sort. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, finally convincing myself to talk to him as soon as his eyes met mine. I took in a sharp breath as soon as he noticed me standing there. His eyes instantly turned softer as he took in my presence, the frown never subsiding from his lips. 

He didn't say anything for a while, making me think that maybe it was something too personal and he didn't tell me. I wanted to know what was going on, and possibly be able to help him, but I was certainly not going to force it out of him. 

As I was about to give up on him telling me anything, he finally speaks, a smile forming on my face at the fact that he actually told me what was going on. "It's my cousin. He wants to stay over here for a few days because his parents kicked him out, again," he explained, letting out another frustrated sigh.

I was confused at first, asking myself why it was such a horrible thing that he wanted to stay over for a couple of days. From the tone of his voice, one would have thought that something much worse was asked from Ethan. 

"I'm guessing you don't like your cousin," I said, still trying to comprehend the situation. 

"Not at all. He always comes here and acts like this is his house and we're here to serve him. He always tries to be better then me and always goes on about how I can never have a real relationship and he just irritates me so much," he said, moving a hand through his hair.

I was slightly shocked as soon as he said those words, the tone of his voice being rather spiteful towards his cousin's actions. But it wasn't his tone that shocked and scared me, but much rather what he said. I was the one being paid to keep the Walkers happy, doing my best to do what they ask me to. If this cousin was domineering towards Ethan, then I didn't even want to imagine what he was going to do when he found out I worked for them. 

Ethan looked at me sympathetically as soon as I voiced those same concerns to him, his face softening as he walked closer to me, his body only inches away from mine. 

"Trust me when I say this, I will not allow him to treat you like a slave," he said, his voice low and raspy, as if even the thought of me being treated badly was enough to rile him up. 

I smiled at his thoughtfulness, his words suddenly making me feel safe. 

"Thank you," I said, sending him a small grateful smile. 

He smiled back, sending me one of his signature winks and making me roll my eyes at him before he let out a small chuckle and helped me cook breakfast for the rest of the guys.

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