31. Best friend

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Pick of Ellie above ^^

Chapter 31: Best friend

Kelsey's POV


I woke up the next morning with the feeling of something heavy on my stomach. I shift to my side as my eyes flutter open, finding myself face to face with Ethan who was staring down at me with a small smile on his lips. Realising that I caught him staring, he let out a small cough before he closed his eyes, making me laugh slightly as memories from the day came flashing through my mind.  

So many things went down, and even thinking about them was enough to make me agitated. Things could have ended horribly, and I was thankful that Ethan wasn't mad at me. Not only that, but he also asked for us to be best friends, confessed that he still liked me, and promised me that he wouldn't leave me alone. No matter how horrible the first part of the previous day was, the end events made it all worth it. 

"Why were you staring at me?" I asked him as he opened his eyes again, a goofy smile playing on his lips.

"Erm, I wasn't," he groggily stuttered, making me roll my eyes at him disbelievingly.  "It was just really hard not to. You smile in your sleep, did you know that?" he shyly said in the end, making me blush. 

No one had ever said those words to me, not even Aaron. The thing with Aaron was always a childhood thing. We didn't compliment each other much and the only thing we ever did that actually showed we were in a relationship was hold hands and cuddle at times. It was a very innocent relationship between two best friends. Things were different with Ethan-much different. I wasn't entirely sure what was happening with him, but what I was sure of was the way my heart reacted whenever he did and said stuff like that. 

"Now, wake up princess, we have to get ready to go to the aquarium. I promised Ellie and if anyone ever breaks a promise they made with her, they wouldn't live to break another one," he chuckled as he got up from bed, offering me a hand to get up myself. 

"It's cute the way you take care of your sisters," I replied honestly, trying to ignore how my heart practically skipped a beat when he called me princess. 

"Aww you think I'm cute," he smirked before running a hand through his already messy bed hair, making him look extremely attractive.

I hated the way he had a control over me and my emotions, and I hated the way he always got my hormones acting up with just one look. I knew that if things kept going on that way, I couldn't be able to resist him any longer.  

"Shut up," I replied as I took his hand and got up, lightly punching him on the arm as soon as I was up on my feet.

Grabbing my stuff from Ethan's room and taking them back to the guest room so I could change, I made a mental note to organise things back as soon as possible. I hated it when things weren't in their place, and knew that I was bound to lose something if they weren't organised in a certain way. 

Trying not to get too excited about the plans for the day, I put on a pair of ripped white high wasted shorts, a light pink t-shirt and my black sneakers before pulling my hair up in a ponytail and skipping downstairs, my good mood certainly evident by the way I moved. I couldn't remember the last time I was that happy, and it was nice to think that life didn't seem to hate me for once. 

The smell of sausages being cooked instantly wafted up my nose as I entered the kitchen as Ethan was whistling some sort of tune as he was cooking breakfast-shirtless. I found myself in a momentary trance as I just stared at his back, the muscles on his back flexing every time he moved the pan.

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