15. Why is that so hard?

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Chapter 15: Why is that so hard?

Ethan's POV


"So is that girl living with you?" Jenna asked after Kelsey walked off to call Noah.

"Sort of," I replied.

I was still pretty mad that Aaron interrupted Kelsey and I. I couldn't help thinking about what would have happened if he didn't.

Would I seriously have kissed her?

I mean, I wanted to kiss her. I didn't know why, I just did, but that didn't mean she wanted to kiss me.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on with you two? You seemed pretty close when I got here," Aaron said, his comment making me mad.

He had no right to come here and intrude in my life and Kelsey's. What was going on between us, whatever that was, did not have anything to do with Aaron.

He was a thing of the past, even if he was still friends with her. 

"Yes, I'm sure," I replied, trying to keep my cool.

Why was it taking her so long to call Noah and Meg and tell them to get there so we could all just leave?

"Oh shoot, I left my phone in the car, can you come with me?" Jenna asked me, taking me by surprise.

I didn't even know the girl, and yet she wanted me to accompany her to look for her phone. 

"Jen, I can come with you if you want" Aaron replied.

"No Aaron, you better stay here. We don't want to leave Leah alone now do we?" She quickly replied.

I had a strong feeling that she really just wanted to find an excuse to end up alone with me. I mean, I couldn't blame her, but come on, could she make it a bit less obvious?

"I can always come wi-" Leah started off before being interrupted by Jenna.

Of course.

"You're not really going to let me go alone are you?" She asked, looking straight at me, touching my arm and making me shudder at the sudden contact.

I let out a sigh and just walked behind her, knowing that it was useless arguing with girls like her. I thought that maybe she would have made my life easier if I just didn't squabble with her.

The walk was silent for the most part, before she turned to me and decided to kick-start a conversation. 

"I'm sorry if I may have come off too strong, I'm just not used to being around cute guys like you," she said.

I rolled my eyes at her words. I appreciated the fact that she wasn't afraid of saying what was on her mind, but I loathed the way she said it.

It was one of the traits that normally I would love in a girl, but Jenna didn't make me feel anything at all.

"Thanks, I guess?" I said, the phrase coming out as more of a question rather than as a statement.

"No problem," she replied with a smirk playing on her lips, probably feeling as if she was scoring big points with me. 

Even if she was scoring none at all. 

After what seemed like forever we finally arrived at their car, and after she unlocked it, she started rummaging around a little before coming out once again.

"Oh, that's weird, my phone's not in here," she said. "Can you help me look?"

I simply nodded with a slight sigh, getting in the car to look for the phone, only to realise that there was no phone in sight.

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