42. All I ever wanted to do

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Chapter 42: All I ever wanted to do

Kelsey's POV


"Kelsey," my dad said as he came up to us, making Ethan and I quickly break apart. I couldn't help but feel slightly flustered at having my dad seeing Ethan and I that way. We were a close pair, and we were both able to talk about anything with each other, including relationships. Nonetheless, I still found it slightly awkward to be all touchy with Ethan in front of my father, whom I hadn't yet told about the relationship.

"I'm really glad you got this job," he sincerely said as soon as he had my utmost attention. "You found a lot of people who care about you, I've honestly never seen you this happy since you were a little lady."

"Yeah, I guess I was luck, wasn't I?" I said, smiling at Ethan who was already smiling at me.

"I got you a present, I have to get going soon so I'd like it if you opened it," my dad said before handing me a gift bag.

"Dad, you didn't have to get me anything else, mom's locket is beyond perfect," I said, running a finger over the locket.

"I know, but that locket was your mom's present to you, this one's mine," he said, before nodding towards the bag, urging me to open it.

I finally gave in, opening the gift bag and unwrapping the gift inside of it, a lump forming in my throat as soon as I saw what it was.

"Dad!" I exclaimed. "Where did you get this?" I asked as I looked at the frame photo of my mom, my dad, and I, with huge, gleeful smiles on our faces.

"I found it on my old camera and decided to get it framed for you, thought you'd like it," he said.

I shook away the tears forming in my eyes at the view of my mother's beautiful face. Looking at her you wouldn't have been able to tell the pain she was going through in that exact moment. She tried so hard to hide it all from me, and the thought of the huge sacrifices she made for me made my love for her increase.

"I love it! Thank you daddy," I said, hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome princess, but now I'm afraid I have to go, I have to go to an interview tomorrow," he said with an excited grin.

I was truly happy at the fact that he was able to get that interview. He had been looking for a better paying job for ages, and he finally managed to find one which was perfect for him. Not only was he going to be able to showcase his talents, but he was going to be payed so much more than he had been before.

"It's fine dad, see you," I said as I gave him one last huge hug, feeling blessed to have a father like him.

I looked at my father's retreating back as he made his way out, before Ellie came up to me, poking my sides.

"Kelsey, it's time for you to open your presents, and then we eat cake!" She excitedly said, her eyes lighting up as soon as she mentioned cake.

"Okay," I laughed as Ellie pushed me towards the presents table.

"Alright open mine first!" She said. "It's not anything expensive but I put a lot of effort into it," she said, hanging her head down as soon as I took the bag from her hands which held a lovely picture which she drew. It was a picture of me holding her in my arms, with Ethan, Noah, and Lara all next to us. She drew us all in stick figures, but I still found it cute and thoughtful.

"Aww, Ellie, this is wonderful, thank you. I am going to frame this and put it up in my room for sure!" I said, hugging her. She smiled and blushed at my words, happiness and relief evident in her features.

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