5. Different light

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Chapter 5: Different light

Kelsey's POV


At about 5:30 I decided to take a shower and start preparing things for the barbecue until Meg and May arrived.

I couldn't hide the fact that I was excited. I honestly loved barbecues and I was on the edge of my seat to see what Noah had prepared to play for us. He had worked really hard, and I was so proud of his commitment. The fact that he wanted to invite May over to thank her for her help was also really sweet.

It wasn't that long until Meg and May arrived, and after asking Meg to help me set up and decorate the backyard, I called Noah down so that he could watch a movie or play some video games with May.

"I'm pretty sure May has a crush on Noah. She couldn't wait to come here," Meg said with a giggle while she was helping me decorate the yard with fairy lights.

I smiled, thinking how adorable it was for May to have a crush on her neighbour. I remembered wanting a cute neighbour when I was younger, one I could talk to from across the window or the balconies, or one who I could walk to school with every day. Instead, I was stuck with an elderly lady who owned three dogs, often keeping me up with their late night barking. 

"Then the feeling's mutual. Noah really wanted May to be here. He said he wanted to thank her for all of her help, but honestly I just think he wanted her around. Besides, didn't you see how he rushed down here? He doesn't even run that fast when I call him down for food," I replied, making Meg laugh.

After a while of decorating, the sound of footsteps made us both turn around, only to find Ethan walking towards us.

"Do you guys need some help?" Ethan asked us, stopping right in front of us.

Meg practically did a double turn at the word 'help', her eyes as large as saucers. Her reaction was quite understandable, considering that Ethan would have normally turned the other way when hearing that somebody needed help. I couldn't help but remember that one time at school when the principal needed a volunteer to help decorate one of the dances, and Ethan ended up having to make up an elaborate story just to get out of helping. 

"Since when do you help? I remember hearing your mother yelling at you a couple of weeks ago for not helping around the house," Meg bluntly said, making Ethan's cheeks burn red.

"I'm a changed man!" He proudly said, probably trying to hide the fact that he got offended.

I couldn't help but laugh at his silliness. I really appreciated the fact that he wanted to help, and I was happy that our talk had gotten us slightly closer.

"Well then, if you're so eager to help, you can do the cooking," I told him, directing him towards the barbecue. "You can cook right?" I asked, suddenly weary of my decision, fearing that it would end up leading to the house burning down.

"Your lack of faith in me hurts," he sarcastically said before grabbing some of the food and placing it on the grill, grabbing the tongs and snapping them towards me, a playful smile on his lips.

I shook my head and walked back towards Meg so that I could help her set up the table, only to find her looking at me with a raised eyebrow, her arms crossed.

"Since when are you and Ethan friends? Last time I checked you couldn't stand the guy," she said as soon as we were out of Ethan's hearing range, giving me a questioning look.

The question caught me off-guard and I didn't know how to answer. It was true, when I first got there I wasn't exactly his biggest fan, but after getting to spend more time with him I realised that there was more to Ethan Walker than met the eye.

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