24. Double date

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Chapter 24 :Double date

Kelsey's POV


"Kelsey I don't think you should be going on dates with Zack," Meg told me as she helped me with my hair, a frown settling on her face.

Meg was the only person I knew I could talk to about the whole Zack situation, and that was why I decided to go to call her over so she could help me get ready for the double date whilst I told her everything that went down. Needless to say, she wasn't happy with anything I told her about Zack, but I didn't miss her knowing grin as soon as I told her about the lie Ethan came up with to try and protect me.

"It's not with Zack, technically it's with Ethan," I said, the meaning of those words actually dawning on me.

A date with Ethan. It still sounded so foreign on my tongue. Only a couple of weeks before I had told him that I wasn't ready to be in a relationship, and there I was, getting ready to go on a fake date with him and his cousin who seemed to be making his life hell.

"I don't know how Ethan agreed to this," Meg sighed. I looked at her in realisation, sensing that Meg seemed to know who Zack was without needing me to give her any information about him. It seemed like everyone knew about how horrible Zack was except for me.

"Well, I over heard a small part of the conversation and Zack practically forced him to," I explained. "Meg, why does it seem like everyone knows something but me?" I asked her, unable to focus with that thought gnawing on my insides.

I was starting to feel rather frustrated. A guy was living in the same house as me. A guy who probably did something really horrible, and no one wanted to tell me about it. It was a given that I wasn't a part of their family, but even Meg seemed to know. Ethan also seemed dead set on wanting to protect me from Zack, which gave me a much bigger reason to want to know what he was capable of.

"I don't know if you should know, but if you really do I think you should talk to Ethan," she said.

"Maybe I will," I replied, not wanting to tell her that I had already tried to get it out of him numerous times, but was only met with him getting frustrated at me.

I doubted whether or not he would actually tell me if I were to ask him again, but I thought that maybe asking him one last time wouldn't hurt.

"Alright, you're ready," Meg said, taking a step away from me and smiling at her creation.

She chose out a light blue plain skinny dress that ended right above my knees and my white converse to go with it. I was never one to wear high heels, especially since my flat feet always seemed to reject them. I didn't feel too under dressed that way, especially since Ethan said that we weren't going anywhere fancy.


Ethan's eyes shifted up to me as he heard me walk down the stairs to meet him in the living room like we had planned, his eyes widening as he looked me up and down and making me feel as if I was under scrutiny.

"Wow, you look beautiful," Ethan breathed out as soon as his eyes met mine, taking my hand in his as soon as I walked down the stairs.

My face instantly burned up at his comment. I knew we were supposed to be pretending to be together when Zack was around, but as I looked around me, he was nowhere to be seen. A part of me said that he was simply getting in to character, whilst the other half was hoping that he wasn't acting.

"Are you ready to go?" Ethan asked, his nerves starting to become apparent and making me feel bad for him .

"Yeah, I am," I replied, squeezing his hand slightly in mine to reassure him a bit.

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