Extra bonus chapter 4: Lara Walker

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~Lara's POV~


"Joshhhhhhh" I reply to my annoying best friend that decided to just come in to my dorm without even knocking.

I should really start closing that door.

He could have been a burglar!

"Do you want to come to a party with me tonight?" He asks as he sits next to me on the couch, stealing some of my chips.

"Josh, you know I don't like parties. They're always full of drunk people making out. Like no thanks" I reply.

"This is going to be an innocent party, I swear. It's going to be held outside and it's going to be like a barbecue thing" He says trying to convince me.

"An innocent party? Is there such a thing? Apart from a 10 year old's party? And not all of those are innocent. I still remember Ethan making out with Kelsey during Ellie's party. So much for being good chaperones." I say recalling that scarring moment.

"Sophie will be there" He says mentioning our other best friend. 

When I look at him with a straight face showing that I'm still not interested, he decides to give it another shot.

"And Jack" 

"I'm in" I instantly say.

Jack may or may not be the guy I like, who Kelsey totally approves of and who, in her opinion, totally likes me back.

"Wow, I should've started with him" He says, lowly chuckling.

"Yes, you should have" I agree.

"Now, I've accepted to come with you to this party, but what the heck am I going to wear?" I ask.

"Just ask your sister, she's good at this stuff" Josh says. 

"You really think Ellie is going to come all the way over here? It would take her over an hour, she loves me but I'm sure she doesn't love me that much" I say.

"Call Sophie then, sorry Lar, can't really help you with this stuff." He says, stealing some more chips.

"Can you stop stealing my junk food?" I scold him as I get up from the couch and hide the chips away from the monster.

"Fine, I'll call Sophie. This party better be fun" I say, pointing a finger at him.

"It will be, I swear Lara" He says. "Now I have to go get some stuff done, see you later, bye, love you" He says before leaving.

"Love you too" I mumble angrily. 

I'm already starting to regret saying yes to him. 

At least Jack will be there.


"I have to admit, I was surprised when Josh told me you were tagging along" Sophie says as she does my makeup. "Then he said that Jack will be there and I suddenly understood" She says.

"But are you sure you really want to go?" She asks, looking straight at me.

"Yeah, I mean he did say it's going to be an innocent party" I said trying to defend my decision.

"If you say so" She mumbles before finishing my make up and choosing an outfit for me to wear.

She's acting really strange, but her fashion sense is still good.

Since I don't have many 'appropriate outfits for a party', Sophie let me borrow some of her clothes and thus she lent me a cute black skirt that flowed beautifully to a little bit above my knees and a white top with sleeves of mid length that have like a cute design on them.

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