7. Aaron Black

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Chapter 7: Aaron Black

Kelsey's POV


"Aaron, what are you doing here?" I asked him, as he and I walked towards the sea.

I wanted to take our conversation away from the others. They were having fun, and I didn't want them to think that I ruined it all because of some non-existent drama.I was shocked, and most certainly surprised, but I did not want to make a scene. 

"My parents decided to come here for summer vacation, we arrived yesterday."

I couldn't understand why he had arrived back in town and not even bothered to contact me. He hadn't even bothered to contact me while he first went away for that matter. We may have been broken up, but he was quite an important part of my life and I felt hurt that he didn't even think about talking to me again.

"Why didn't you call?" I asked, fretting the answer.

"I thought that if I called you wouldn't answer," he explained.

Upon hearing those words, my first instinct was to laugh. It was preposterous to think that the reason he did not call me was because he was afraid I wouldn't answer. The laughing feeling soon faded however when I saw the look he gave me, a look that showed that he was being honest to me. 

Even if so, would he have truly blamed me if I wouldn't have answered?

"Kelsey who is he?" Noah asked me, making me turn around to find all of them looking at me with curiosity.

So much for finding a quiet space to talk. 

"He's Aaron, he's Kelsey's ex-boyfriend," Ethan said, making everyone turn to look at him in surprise, including myself.

I knew that Ethan and Aaron were on the same basketball team together, I just never knew that Ethan was ever aware about my relationship with Aaron, or that he would even remember about it.

He never seemed to care about anything that went on around school, especially not who broke up with who. 

"Why did you break up?" Lara asked, looking between Aaron and I, interest and curiosity written all over her face.

If any of them were holding popcorn in that moment, they would certainly have been munching on it like crazy, waiting to see what the next thing to unfold would be.

There was an awkward pause for a couple of seconds, before Ethan decided to break it, clearing his throat and looking sternly at his sister. "Lara, I think you should go apply some sunblock."

"But I just put on sunblock," Lara said, staring at him in confusion, clearly oblivious as to why her brother had told her to do so.

"Well, go put on some more," he said, before looking at me and giving me a sympathetic smile.

I smiled at him, giving him a grateful nod. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to ease the tension, and try to avert the conversation so I wouldn't have to tell everyone why Aaron and I broke up.

No matter how sweet I thought it was, however, I didn't really mind talking about our break up anymore.

I was never one to hold a grudge for years on end. Things fade by time, and that was exactly what happened to the pent up anger I had towards him. Seeing him there in front of me was a shock, but it was not enough to revive that fire. 

"We broke up because Aaron was moving away and we thought it would be best for us to just stay friends. It would have been hard for us to keep seeing each other," I said, shifting my gaze to the ground.

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