44. Going to pay

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Chapter 44: Going to pay

Ethan's POV


I leaned against the wall, waiting for my cousin to show up. I was infuriated with him, and the last thing I wanted to do was see his face, but I also needed to get answers. That was why I called him and asked him to meet me, hoping that I would be able to get him to confess. Kelsey warned me not to do anything stupid, but I couldn't just sit around and do nothing while she was being accused of something which she didn't even do. 

I could feel my blood boil as I saw him approaching me, a smirk plastered on his face which became more visible the closer he got. Allowing myself to think about everything he did made me see red, and I had to control the urge to punch him straight in the nose. 

"Well well, I can't say I wasn't surprised when you called to meet up," he said, no guilt in his voice whatsoever, which only further fueled my anger towards him. 

"So you finally got what you wanted huh?! Ruining Kelsey's life," I said, my anger showing very evidently by the tone of voice I was using with him. I wanted to take him calmly, try to be civil, but I just couldn't. Not when I saw him looking at me like that.  

"I don't know what you're talking about," he shrugged, that annoying smirk never leaving his face. 

I shook my head at him, unable to believe his words. He knew very well what he'd done, and he knew that I was aware of it. My mother had told me loud and clear that Zack told her, and no matter how much I begged for her not to believe him, she chose to believe his word over mine, her own son. 

"Don't play dumb with me alright? I know what you did and you know that. All I want to know is why. Why would you lie about Kelsey and Noah to my parents like that? Why can't I just be happy?" I said.

Zack and I hadn't always been like that. We were really close when we were children, and he was also close to my siblings. We all loved and cared for him, and then all of a sudden he changed. He became cruel and vengeful, acting as if we ruined his life when all we ever wanted to do was help him. 

"I'll tell you why. You've ruined my life, that's why," he said, finally getting serious, the burning fire of anger nearly visible in his eyes.  

Talking to him was getting me frustrated. I had no clue what he was talking about, or how I even supposedly ruined his life. "Come on Zack, I have been nothing but nice to you! I let you into my house, twice, even after you killed my best friend and stole my girlfriend."

"Don't you see Ethan? You were too perfect. My mom always wanted me to be like you. Whenever I did something  she would always ask, 'Why don't you be more like Ethan?' That's what I always heard. She kicked me out because I wasn't perfect like you! She would have rather had you as a son then myself!" He said, his face getting red. I could see his eyes becoming glossy, and no matter how much I hated the version of the guy standing in front of me, I understood him completely, because he did the same thing to me.  

"Well you stole my mom. She believes everything you say and doesn't even believe me," I replied, my voice becoming softer despite the fact that my anger was still there. 

"Only because you stole mine," he said, his voice breaking on the last part. "All my life, I've been compared to you, they wanted you as a son. Not me. All the girls wanted you, not me. I knew I had to change, and it was all because of you," he said. 

My heart ached to see him like that, knowing that he and I could never go back to the way we were before. The wounds in our relationship were too bad to ever close. He was my cousin, and I wished that he could have just talked to me instead of going on to do what he did. No matter how much I wanted to help him, I couldn't-not after what he did to hurt my family. I gave him too many chances, and ended up getting bitten every single time. 

"Zack I'm sorry I really am, but this, this doesn't justify what you did. You're not only hurting me, but you're hurting Noah and Kelsey. You're hurting my whole family who have literally never done anything to you. Do what you want to me, but leave Kelsey and my siblings out of it. Please" I begged. Words never went anywhere with Zack, but I hoped that he would have a change of heart for once. 

"You don't get it, do you? I know you Ethan, and even if you try to act like some cool guy who doesn't care about anyone, I know that your family is the most important thing to you. I can't hurt you without hurting them. Now that Kelsey's by your side, what I do to you won't matter unless she's there." I found myself feeling sick at his words, not understanding how one person could hold so much resentment in him. 

"You're sick! I hope you feel at least a little bit bad for what you did, because now not only will she not get paid, but my mom will hate her and she might even lose all credibility," I said. 

"Doesn't matter," Zack replied, seemingly done with our conversation before walking off. That must have had to be the first time I heard him say something like that without a smirk on his face, but it didn't make it sound any less horrible. 

My fists clenched, wanting to beat him up so badly. I knew that doing that would have only made things worse for Kelsey, so I let him go, but he was going to pay for everything he did, even if it had to be the last thing I would ever do. 


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