51. It's a see you later

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^^^ The song above reflects the mood of the whole chapter (Listen to it when I tell you)..Also see the picture.

Chapter 35: It's a see you later

Kelsey's POV


My last day in the country I consider home was spent together with my best friend Meg, both of us wanting to spend one last good day together before having to part ways due to our cruel destiny. We had managed to spend most of our time without talking about my inevitable move, and for a while, I even found myself forgetting about it. Meg's face suddenly turned serious as we were laughing and swimming together in her pool, the look on her face making my heart sink as I remembered what day it was. 

"I can't believe you're moving tomorrow," she sadly said, her face no longer a happy one. 

"Me neither. I can't believe that we might never see each other again. Our futures were so perfect, go to the same college, marry twins, be neighbours. It was so perfect," I sighed as I thought about all of the plans which Meg and I had made for our future back when we were younger, plans which we had to try and forget.

"I'm pretty sure Ethan doesn't have a twin," Meg winked, trying to lighten the mood despite talking about an upsetting situation. 

"No, but he does have a best friend," I answered as her face reddened and she rolled her eyes at me, sticking her tongue out.

I was going to miss my silly banter with Meg, as well as all of the teasing. Meg had been there with me since I was younger, and she never left my side once, not even when she saw that by being with me she was saying goodbye to her chance at ever being with the cool kids. We had our fights, each one leaving me feeling lost and closed up in my side, but we always found our way back to each other in the end. 

There was that one time where we had a really bad fight, where both of us ended up saying things which we didn't mean. We spent weeks not talking to one another, and poor Leah was stuck in the middle, hanging out with either one of us in turn. I felt horrible for everything that went down, but I was too proud to admit that I was wrong. I feared that that was the end of our story, and that we were going to be like those people who go from best friends to strangers. Then came a day where some kids thought it would be clever to surround me in the playground at school when our teacher wasn't there to see, and started making fun of me for one reason or another, some boys even throwing a ball at me, trying to somehow injure me. I was in tears, and they knew that Meg would not be there to save me, and Leah's class had not gone down yet. 

What they didn't know was that the bond that Meg and I had was stronger than any fight, and that as my best friend, she was not going to let anybody hurt me. As I closed my eyes, waiting for the ball to connect with my face, a miracle happened, and no part of me was injured. Meg stood there in front of me, shielding me from the kids that decided to surround me, leaving them all staring at us in confusion. She turned to face me as they all scattered away, a tear streaming down her face as she hugged me, apologising for not having intervened sooner. I, however, was happy that she showed up at all. From that day on, we made a pact that no matter how bad our fights got, we would always be there to protect each other when they find themselves in serious trouble. 

"You've always wanted to go to America, and now it's finally your chance," she said, a small smile forming on her face. "We'll find ways to visit each other. Our friendship is way too strong to be broken by a bit of distance," she reassured me as she brought her arms around me and gave me one of her amazing hugs. 

"Yeah, you're right," I sighed, hoping that what she was saying were not just words. 

"I am, but I know that there's something else bothering you. What is it?" She asked. "Is it about Ethan?"

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