Chapter 1 Boo

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There was no way Roger was gonna make it through the barbed wires.

Well, he proved me wrong. He ran through the barbed wired fence, trying his best to get away from me. I was lagging behind, but not because I wasn't fast enough. I was actually rounding him up, something I do best.

I ran towards the barbed fence and took out the small pliers I had brought with me, specifically for this occasion. I started cutting through them and in no time had them dangling on the sides. I ran towards the abandoned warehouse up ahead. What's with the old bad guys and abandoned warehouses? I knew exactly where he was headed to, so with a quick glance at the moon, I surged forward. I knew I had to catch Roger and deliver him before the moon completely left the sky. I probably had about 3 hours before then. There was no time to play anymore.

Sprinting forward I tugged on my ski mask to make sure it was still hiding my face, except for my eyes. I hated this ski mask, half of the time I couldn't breathe! I rounded the corner of the building and sought out the small opening I had found that morning. It was conveniently placed between two untamed bushes. As quietly as I could, I smuggled my way in and crouched down on the floor. The warehouse was really big on the inside, but there were many old boxes and hardware littered everywhere... great places to hide. The good thing about this situation was that I had the upperhand. I knew every crook and cranny in here, I had studied it carefully earlier, marking everything with my mind.

I took out my pistol from my holder and a silencer I had brought, and attached them together. Keeping them at the ready, I looked around, trying to see anything out of place; flying dust or moved equipment. Suddenly something at the corner of my mind moved. Briefly, I wondered if he knew where I was, but didn't delve into it. If he did he would've shot me a long time ago. I slowly turned my body and crouched lower, like a lioness I stalked forward, one hand on my gun and the other on the floor. I had to make this quick, time was running out! He was hiding behind some old machinery and making a big show of his breathing. He must be afraid if his breathing was anything to go by. Good.

I sat down with the machine against my back. I was certain now that he was on the other side of the machine. The problem was trying to get him out of his hideout. I spotted a small pebble next to my hand, picked it up and threw it towards my right, almost over the machine guarding him and I. It made a satisfactory 'clang' and right at that moment I heard some shuffling and whimpering coming from behind me. I knew he was moving, crawling by the shuffling of clothes against floor. I heard him moving towards my left at any moment now he was going to round the corner of the machine and come face to face with me. I was ready, and impatient, for it. I stayed sitting but cocked my gun towards the left, keeping it to what I assume would be his eye level if he was crawling.

Any moment now...

There he is, looking down at the floor and shuffling forward. If he doesn't stop crawling my silencer will be right at the top of his head. That would be hilarious! Unknowingly though, I breathed out sharply with my nose and at that sound, Roger looked up so quickly I thought his neck was gonna break.

"Boo," I comically said. His eyes widened at the realization of finally being caught. After 17 years of running, I had caught the mastermind behind the bombing of an elementary school years ago. Boss was gonna be proud. This meant money for his pocket (and mine too), and a peace of mind to some parents that never got over the fact that their children's murderer had escaped prison.

I'm not supposed to kill him, not that I would anyway: my conscious would never let me live it down. I wasn't like other assassins, who didn't grant mercy to those they're pursuing. I didn't want to kill, I just wanted to catch them and deliver them to Boss. After I deliver the criminals I get outta there and continue on with life, or with another assignment. I don't care what they do to them, kill them, torture them, or whatever. It wasn't my business. Sounds cruel, but most of these criminals sign their death sentence when they mess with the wrong people. It's my job to catch them. 

So, in retrospect, I'm not really an assassin.

It's true I get more assignments than most assassins (at least that's what I gather), but that's only because the clients want to deal with the criminals themselves than have someone else kill them. It's gruesome and they know I don't kill them, I just deliver them.


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