Magnus and Alec Talk

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Alec enters the loft and looks around for Magnus. He spots him out on the balcony, reading a book. Alec takes off his boots by the door and approaches slowly.
"Magnus?" The warlock looks up and smiles warmly at his boyfriend. He puts his book down and stands to greet Alec with a peck on the lips.
"Welcome home darling. So, there are things that you wish to discuss with me?" Alec blushes slightly then nods. Magnus gestures for him to sit down in the chair beside his on the balcony. He takes a deep breath and looks at the warlock he loves so much.
"I'm sorry..." Magnus looks taken aback at the apology. "For what, Alexander?"
"For... For just being so fucking weird... I didn't want you to know about any of that... I can't lose you Magnus..."
Magnus gives a small light-hearted laugh and smiles at Alec, who looks upset hearing his boyfriend laugh and assumes it's at him. Magnus notices and puts a gentle hand on Alec's shoulder.
"Darling is that all? I'm not weirded out or mad if that is your fear. I am simply curious about this potentially adorable side of my sexy shadowhunter~"
That was the last thing that Alec had expected to hear. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at his warlock, face a deep red blush.
"W-what...? You're... okay with it...?" "Does it hurt anyone? Does it cause harm to you? Is it illegal?" "No... no to all of those..."
Magnus smiles. "Then I see no issue. Alexander, when you've been around as long as I have, you experience weird things and let me say you are not my first Little" He winks at his dumbstruck shadowhunter. Alec stays silent, not wanting to jeopardize things. Magnus starts his questions.
"So how long have you been doing this, Alexander?" "U-um a couple years maybe..." "Don't lie to me darling it's alright." "Fine... 5 years or so... I'm not completely sure..." "How often do you slip?" "Not too often mainly when I'm very stressed or tired..." "How old are you in headspace generally?" "Between 2 and 6... it's a younger headspace..." "Any comfort items that you use?" "No... I really just have Izzy and Jace treating me younger since anything at the Institute would be found with the snap of a finger..." "Well I'd like to change that if I may?" Alec looks at him, a mix of confusion, shock, and wonder is apparent on his face. Magnus kisses his cheek and holds Alec's hands in his.
"If you would allow me to, if you need to age down, I would like to be your caretaker. Nothing will change I will still be your boyfriend no matter what, but I think you would benefit greatly from having time to ageplay and have someone there to take care of you completely. Thoughts?"
Alec was in shock. It sounded great but he was scared of the thought of Magnus leading him once he discovered how clingy of a Little he was. He looks at Magnus and takes a deep breath, nodding slowly.
"Okay..." "Okay?" Magnus tilts his head to the side slightly.
"Okay... I want this... You might want to ask Izzy and Jace about... Little Alec because I don't remember a lot of when I'm little..." "I'll give them a call immediately," He gently kisses Alec's forehead and hugs him close, a large smile across his face. Magnus adores caretaking and is glad that Alec is giving them a shot. He then stands up, searching for his phone as Alec checks the time.
"Hate to cut this short but I need to head back to the Institute." "Alright call me when you're ready to head home darling."
Alec goes to the door, but before he turns the handle, he pulls Magnus into a deep kiss.
"Now what was that for?" Magnus asked with a smirk on his face. Alec grins brightly. "I just love you." "And I love you. Now go do your job shadowhunter."

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