Clizzy and Alec

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Magnus has to take care of a couple of clients and refuses to let Jace watch Alec after last week, especially since he's aged down to about one year old. He instead contacts Izzy and Clary, asking if they could watch him for a while. They both agree and arrive quickly so that Magnus could start working and finish working sooner. Alec is still asleep when Magnus leaves, it's a bit early in the morning and when Alec is in headspace he loves sleeping in. Clary and Izzy wait on the couch, talking to each other while they wait for Alec to wake up.
About fifteen minutes later, a cry catches the attention of the couple and causes them to bolt to his side. He's sitting up crying in his crib, pacifier barely in his mouth, one hand in a closed fist as he rubs his eyes, and the other hand holding Church to his chest. As Clary turns the light on and grabs something to clean his face with, Izzy drops the bars down and pulls him to her chest, rubbing circles into his back and pressing her lips to his forehead. His cries start to quiet down and he looks around the room. He look at Izzy with confused and sad eyes.
"Papa?" Izzy and Clary feel their hearts hurt. "Sorry honey papa had to go work so Auntie Izzy and Auntie Clary are here for you okay?" He nods but doesn't look very happy about that fact. Izzy sighs and rubs his back as she looks at Clary. She mouths 'strength rune us' to her girlfriend who obeys instantly. Izzy kisses Clary's cheek as a thank you and they lift Alec out of the crib. They take him to the living room and place him on an already laid out blanket. Izzy decides to let Magnus know what happened while Clary watches Alec. He's much calmer by now and he hugs her. She holds him close as they both lie down on the blanket on the floor. Alec yawns and Izzy can tell he's going to fall back asleep. She gets to her brother's back to squish him between the girls so that he feels safe. He sighs contently and falls asleep again. Izzy can tell that there's something on Clary's mind and gets her attention.
"Babe?" Clary meets her gaze. "Yeah?" "What's up? You seem distracted..." Clary sighs, the words she said to Magnus before are still buzzing through her head even after all this time.
~'It's just... I envy all the love and attention he gets from you and Izzy and even Jace... Like Izzy's my girlfriend and I just... I almost want that attention from her... But at the same time I don't know...'~
What she said echos through her head once more as Izzy places a hand on her arm. "Clary?" "I envy this..." Clary blurts out her thoughts without consideration. "What?" Izzy's very confused. "Why are you envious? What are you envious of?" Clary takes a deep breath. "When I saw Alec like this the first time, Magnus and I talked before he took Alec home... I admitted to him that I envy how much attention Alec got from you and Jace and Magnus even... Now that he has Luke and Simon and even Lydia strangely... I feel it even more... I don't even know why but I do..." Izzy looks at Clary with sincere eyes. "Why did you not tell me sooner?" "I didn't even know what to say..." Izzy gets up and lies down beside Clary. "How can we fix this do you think?" "I... I don't know..." "Maybe you and I should just go away for a while, you'll have my undivided attention. Or maybe... We can try ageplay and see if that helps you..." Izzy seemed hesitant about that last option, knowing Clary hates being coddled so much. The redhead gives her girlfriend a weird look. "I don't know about that..." "I said we can try it, not start an entire lifestyle. It could be reserved for when you want attention and you don't have to regress as far as Alec. It's only a suggestion." Clary nods and turns her attention back to the baby stirring in her arms. "I'll think about it. He's waking up now so maybe grab his diaper stuff? I'm sure he needs it." Izzy nods and gets things ready.
Alec wakes up and looks at Clary. She pushes his hair out of his eyes and smiles at him. He smiles up at her and she kisses his nose, making him giggle. "Hi Aun' C'awy!" "Hey sweetie! Auntie Izzy is getting your stuff so that we can clean you up. Can you tell me how old you are?" He holds up two fingers. "Wow two?! You're a big boy huh?" He laughs and starts to sit up on his own next to Clary. He sees Izzy and waves at her. "Hey kiddo! Let's clean you up and have breakfast okay?" "Kay!" Izzy changes Alec's diaper quickly while Clary gets breakfast for the three of them.
By the time Magnus got home, Alec was playing with the girls. He sees Magnus and stands up, running over to him and hugging him. Magnus laughs and ruffles his hair. "Hello darling. Were you good for your aunties?" "He was perfect." Alec nods at Clary's words and the ladies leave.
Clary and Izzy get to their shared room and flop on the bed. Clary curls into Izzy and the Lightwood kisses her head.

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